
@裴吉17710485720 肌腱 逞能 恍惚 甜腻 娴熟 一尘不染 略胜一筹 眼花缭乱 秩序井然 -
******6024延瑾 肌腱: jī jiàn 腱.逞能:chěng néng谓显示自己能干;卖弄本领.恍惚:huǎng hū ①神志不清;精神不集中:精神~. ②(记得、听得、看得)不真切;不清楚:我~听见他回来了.‖也作恍忽.甜腻:tián nì 1.形容情意厚. 2.形容过分亲热...

@裴吉17710485720 《最深刻的教训》作文,谁能找到给我??800字左右 -
******6024延瑾 The seats in our school reading-room are not enough for all the students. Many people get there very early to "seize" a seat every day. So do I. One day a "special" thing happened to me. And I learned a lesson that I shall never forget. It ...

@裴吉17710485720 作文:《我应该这样做》/《我不应该这样做》 -
******6024延瑾 在平常生活中,很多事是爸爸,妈妈或老师叫我做的,而上个星期天,我终于做了一见自己认为应该做的 事.我心里甜滋滋的.那天,我乘公共汽车回家.上了车我就站在下车门的旁边,不由自主地哼起了歌."走开!走开!快让给我们."车尾传...

@裴吉17710485720 《铁齿铜牙纪晓岚》共拍了几部?最后的什么时候拍的?
******6024延瑾 共四部第一部是97年拍的

@裴吉17710485720 《炒饭的制作》英语作文 -
******6024延瑾 In fact, continuous eye contact is confined to lovers only, who will enjoy looking at each other tenderly for a long time, to show affection that words cannot express.Evidently, eye contact should be done according to the relationship between two people and the specific situation.

@裴吉17710485720 求《散りゆく时》歌词翻译,内详 -
******6024延瑾 忘れかけた梦の记忆思い出したくて 回想起快要忘记的梦想期待してた答えはどこにあるの? 我期待着的答案究竟在哪里呢?一人だけの窓辺に立つ风がらってゆく 一个人站在窗边风在呼啸谁かの声届くと信じていた 相信着可以将某个人...

@裴吉17710485720 西游记续集 第14集 《缉盗菩提域》他们吃的一节一节的叫什么? -
******6024延瑾 竹筒糯米饭

@裴吉17710485720 培根《习惯论》中 行动取决于习惯 的英文是什么
******6024延瑾 Human's ponder is decided by the motive, the language is decided bythe knowledge and the knowledge, but their motion, then mostly isdecided by the custom.
