
@卜废13565333525 我的英语老师 .英语作文
******504韩知 this year, our English teacher is change for some reason. her faminly name is called Tang,we called her MS.tang. she looks really nice. she is not very tall, as tall as me. she said she is a dog lover, and she has a dog at home. she is also a nice ...

@卜废13565333525 我的英语老师 -
******504韩知 老师是我的五年级英语老师,她认真负责,工作全心全意,辅导了一批又一批学生.记得“五上报到”那天,一位中年女教师走进了我们的班级.她,便是那位赢得我们一致好评的章老师.章老师非常的平易近人.下课时,看见她在“护导”...

@卜废13565333525 英语作文我的老师 -
******504韩知 My Favourite Teacher Hello,my name is Jie. I have many good teachers, but my favourite teacher is Miss Li. She is a very good teacher.She is very young, but her English is very good. She teaches us English every day. Her class has so much fun.She...

@卜废13565333525 用英语写一篇我的英语老师 -
******504韩知 My English Teacher My English teacher's name is penelope.Since I can't gain a very good command of English,it is so kind of her to help with my English.She was born in 2nd october and she comes from America.I think she is very warm because ...

@卜废13565333525 “他是教我英语的老师”怎么说 -
******504韩知 “他是教我英语的老师”的英文:He is my English teacher teacher 读法 英 [ˈti:tʃə(r)] 美 [ˈtitʃɚ] 作名词的意思是:教师,教员,老师,先生;[航]教练机 短语: 1、student teacher 实习教师 2、senior teacher 高级教师 3、assistant teacher ...

@卜废13565333525 写一个我的英语老师 -
******504韩知 Hello everybody, I have an English teacher, she has big eyes, long hair, thin eyebrows, light, small mouth, a silver tongue, her teaching very seriously, and my students are really like her, she often we play games together, we can happy

@卜废13565333525 我的老师英语作文 -
******504韩知 楼主您好: 给您推荐几篇Our English TeacherLook!A foreign girl ispiaying games with some Chinese students. Do you know who she is? Yes! she is our English teacher--shelley Green.Miss Green, from Canada,is 25 yearsoid. she is...

@卜废13565333525 有人知道聘请一个有经验的四级英语辅导老师需要多少课时费么?谢谢了! -
******504韩知 听力和阅读的价格不一样.听力50,阅读60.这是沈阳一般的老师价格.高级的就贵多了.

@卜废13565333525 考研英语需要补习,朋友推荐了中公考研考研辅导,那的英语老师最好的是谁啊?? -
******504韩知 新东方的比较好,还有文都的也挺好.
