
@羊薇17814934127 你能解释下吗? 英语怎么说? -
******1781经岸 Can you explain?/Can you explain it to us? He has rich social experience/working experience.

@羊薇17814934127 英语翻译:我对这些事情有丰富的经验 -
******1781经岸[答案] I am extremely experienced over these matters. 关键词: 丰富的经验 extremely experienced / have good experience 事情 matters

@羊薇17814934127 尽管他还年轻,却从社会上获取了丰富的经验的英语翻译 -
******1781经岸 Althuogh he is young,skill has a lot of experience in the society.

@羊薇17814934127 我们能得到社会经验 英语怎么说,我们能得到社会经验 这样一种从书本里学不到的知识 that从句 英语怎么说准确无误. -
******1781经岸[答案] we can gain social experience,a kind of knowledge that can't be learnt from textbooks.

@羊薇17814934127 英语翻译多参加社会活动能在许多方面丰富你的经验(ni many ways)别理会他说的,我想听听你的观点(never mind)大吵过后,他气愤地辞去了工作(... -
******1781经岸[答案] Taking more part in social activities will full your experience in many ways Never mind what he said and I want to listen to your point of view. After a great argument,he resigned his job angrily In 1865,America formally abolished slavery.

@羊薇17814934127 多参加社会实践丰富自己的人生经历的翻译是:什么 -
******1781经岸 多参加社会实践丰富自己的人生经历.翻译为英文是:Participate in more social practice to enrich your life experience.

@羊薇17814934127 “在某方面经验丰富”用英语怎么说? -
******1781经岸 be experienced in 例如 She is well experienced in business administration.她在企业管理方面经验丰富

@羊薇17814934127 英语怎么说:我参加了丰富的社会活动. -
******1781经岸 I have rich experiences in social activities. 这个是强调经历的丰富.I have participated in various social activities.或 I have participated in diversified social activities.这两句强调社会活动的多样性.或者把两个意思合起来:I have rich experiences in various social activities.

@羊薇17814934127 他在写作方面有着丰富的经验 英语怎么说He has a lot of experience writing. -
******1781经岸[答案] 写作 writing 丰富 rich,abudant,plentiful 经验 experience 放在一起: 他在写作方面有着丰富的经验 In the area of writing he has a rich experience 比较简洁、雅致的表达方式是 He is a highly experienced writer As a writer he is highly expeirenced He has ...

@羊薇17814934127 “我曾经利用寒暑假做过一些兼职 积累了一些社会经验” 用英文如何说? -
******1781经岸 My summer and winter vacations' part-time job have accumulated me enough social experience.
