
@鲜版13154116954 英文情景对话 出租车和乘客 简短的 -
******1695端狭 Driver:Where do you want to go?Pessenger:To Diguo Building. How much?Driver:100 dollar.Pessenger:How experient it is? Why don't you rob?Driver:You are right. I am the robby. Take you money to me.Pessenger:Help!!!Driver:I will kill you if you yell!Pessenger:Help!!!Finally, the driver killed the pessenger.

@鲜版13154116954 一乘客在咨询台询问班机到达时间及延误原因 求一段英文对话 -
******1695端狭 乘客:Excuse me . Can you tell me when the plane will arrive? 咨询台:OK.Wait a minute. Let me check of it. It will arrive at ten o'clock. 乘客:Why ? I remembered that this plane should arrive at eight o'clock. 咨询台: I am really sorry. The weather ...

@鲜版13154116954 用英语模拟司机与乘客的对话场景,最好可以多几个角色 -
******1695端狭 what can I do for you? 请问您需要什么帮助吗? can you take a seat for this old lady? 请您给这位老太太让个座,好吗? you may get off at ...你应该在...下车.please prepare for getting off.请准备下车.you may interchange subway line 1/2/3你能换乘地铁1/2/3号线

@鲜版13154116954 我需要一片4~5人的英文情景对话 场景是火车站里发生的事 谢谢了 加急需要! -
******1695端狭 就叫abcde好了,abde是乘客,c是列车员,场景一开始ade做着,c推着车过来,b正要坐下A do you mand if i seat down here? B no problem. C (推车走过来)want some drink? A no ,thank you B i want a cup of orange juice,how much? C 5 ...

@鲜版13154116954 空姐必须知道的英语基本对话 -
******1695端狭 good morning ,welcome onboard would you like sth to drink? we have juice, soft drink, spirits and wines would you like to have dinner/lunch/breakfest now? we have chicken with rice, fish with mashpatato...... which one you prefer?could you pls fasten...

@鲜版13154116954 列车员英语对话常用语? -
******1695端狭 列车到达北京车站的时间是18点27分 Our train will arrive at Beijing Railway Station at 18:27. 餐车下午6点开始供应晚餐 Our restaurant opens at 6:00pm for supper. 下一站将要到达兰州站,请您提前做好下车的准备 Our next stop will be Lanzhou ...

@鲜版13154116954 英语翻译(火车上乘客的对话)先生,请问怎么称呼.我叫Tom.Tom先生很高兴认识你,我叫Peter,是XX大学的大学生,请问您是做什么工作的呢?我是重... -
******1695端狭[答案] Dialogue on the passenger train) President, hello. I ask how you call. Hello, my name is Tom. Oh, Tom, Mr. Nice to meet you, my name is Peter, the XX University students, what would you do it? I was i...

@鲜版13154116954 飞机上的乘客与飞行员的几句简短英语对话 Pairwork:student A:you are on the airplane now .you don't know the regular rules and feels a little bit air sick and ... -
******1695端狭[答案] Dialogue 1 调座位 P: PASSENGER F: FLIGHT STAFF P: Can I put my baggage here? F: OK. P: Could you change my seat, please? F: No problem. I will arrange it for you . Dialogue 2 点餐 P: What kind of drinks do you have? F: We have coffee, tea, ...

@鲜版13154116954 求一篇导游和旅客的英文对话!急 -
******1695端狭[答案] Tour Guide; Tom,today we are visiting Yellow mountain scenic spots area,as i had told you that the famous scene of Yellow Mountains are Pine tree,cloud sea,rock and sunrise. Tom :Yes,i heard from some of my friend,who had been visited here,saying ...

@鲜版13154116954 飞机上的乘客与飞行员的英语对话 -
******1695端狭 关于询问什么的呢?总应该有个主题吧...与飞行员的对话?一般都会很难接触到机长的吧..都空姐传话的说.
