
@吕是13912658122 你什么时候下班/上班 英语怎么说? -
******3036都矩 你什么时候上班 What time do you go to work你什么时候下班 When you work

@吕是13912658122 英语翻译1 你们平时 几点下班?2 我们平时 下午5点半 下班3 你平时 在家休息的时候,都做些什么呢?4 你还在原来的公司上班吗?不,我早离职了 英语翻译. -
******3036都矩[答案] 1.When do you knock off usually 2.We usually knock off at five thirty.3.What do you do when you take a rest at home?4.Do you still work at the company which you'd been in?No,I'd quit.

@吕是13912658122 距离下班还有20 分钟 翻译 -
******3036都矩 1. There are 20 minutes left before we can get off work.2. It is nor far away from the destination now. 3. There are only 500 meters/50 kilometers away from the destination.4. How far is that from here to the destination?5. How far should we walk to get to the destination?(希望能够帮到你噢~ :))

@吕是13912658122 你每天什么时候下班?用英语怎么说?每天几点上班?用英语怎么说? -
******3036都矩[答案] 你每天什么时候下班?When do you knock off every day?When do you come off duty every day?What time do you finish your work every day?At what time do you get off work every day?每天几点上班?When do you g...

@吕是13912658122 “你什么时候下班?”英语怎么说? -
******3036都矩[答案] When do you get off (work)

@吕是13912658122 英语翻译句子 你什么时候下班? 你们晚上有哪些活动? 你经常带工作回家吗? -
******3036都矩 你什么时候下班?What time do you clock off?或者When do you cease to work?或者What time do you knock off?或者 what time do you get off from work?说明:表示下班的短语非常多,上面这几个时常用的.你们晚上有哪些活动?What is the program for tonight?或者What is going on tonight?你经常带工作回家吗?Do you often take work home with you?

@吕是13912658122 你快要下班了吧 ? 英语翻译. -
******3036都矩 1. It is time for you to go to work.2. It is time for you to get off work.3. How long is it from now to your working hours?4. How long is it from now to your closing time?5. I have 20 minutes left for work /I have 20 minutes left for off-duty.6.I always want to go ...

@吕是13912658122 你什么时候下班and你什么时候放学 (英文怎么说)thanks -
******3036都矩[答案] 你什么时候下班What time do you finish your work你什么时候放学What time do you finish school

@吕是13912658122 你什么时候下班?这句话有英语可不可这样说: When do you get off? -
******3036都矩 when will you get off work?—— 你今天什么时候下班?(也许和往常不一样) when do you get off work?—— 你通常什么时候下班?(常态)

@吕是13912658122 你几点下班? 英语怎么说 -
******3036都矩 what time do you finish your work.will 是将来时,表示将来的一段时间,be going to 在这里已经不适用,再何况will
