
@诸省15177039750 形容人很厉害的英语,怎么写来着、 -
******1894段肿 你说的词是下面这个——你给的汉语读音很有启发性哦: superman 超人 A man with more than human powers. 超人:有超人的力量的人 An ideal superior man who, according to Nietzsche, forgoes transient pleasure, exercises creative power, ...

@诸省15177039750 形容人很厉害的英语,怎么写来着、用中文翻译是苏PO迈,那么英文怎么写? -
******1894段肿[答案] 你说的词是下面这个——你给的汉语读音很有启发性哦: superman 超人 A man with more than human powers. 超人:有超... 但是,这两个词并没有在英语中确立下来.萧伯纳在写于1917年之前的一封信中说道:“一些措辞最巧妙的英语作家,竟一直...

@诸省15177039750 有没有英文厉害的? -
******1894段肿 Yedda, 耶达Yvette, 耶芙特Yvonne 伊芳Yavonna 伊万娜个人觉得这几个比较适合你,感觉高贵有气质,考虑一下吧~

@诸省15177039750 请问 你很厉害 的英文 怎麽翻译 ?? 要赞美的 不是 责备 谢谢 -
******1894段肿 你既然说“厉害”,就是比较口语的表达方式了吧? You are awesome! 比较好.

@诸省15177039750 英语厉害的翻译下!!! -
******1894段肿 改进兼容性的更新. 仍然完善,而是这比0.1不应该跑相当更多homebrews Mirror : http://rapidshare.com/files/194228617/leda_02.zip Note : 如果您安排插入使能,在连续安置者之前使他们失去能力. CFW混凝土的文件夹阻碍v1.0知道造成莉达安置者的问题

@诸省15177039750 “你真的很厉害”翻译英语
******1894段肿 terrific、great是非常棒、极好的、了不起的意思 厉害 可以用strong表示(词典释义:强的,强大的,厉害的) 所以“你真的很厉害”可以译为: You are really so strong.

@诸省15177039750 英语厉害的翻译
******1894段肿 I don't know, meet you is right or wrong, but I know, met you I don't regret it, you will always be my only.

@诸省15177039750 请厉害的英语高手帮回答下小问题! -
******1894段肿 1.the brave and clever people become famous these days.2.Yes. in the past there ais sth controling people to be famous this way or that way.But now you can be famous in any way that attracts people's eyes.3.In the future if you have strong mind to succeed without withdrawing will be famous

@诸省15177039750 翻译厉害的英语高手帮下忙
******1894段肿1, today I speak content is about work and career. So in our work we need what quality. 2, who know what we need quality? Three, all answer is right, the following is my personal think should be some some quality and the relevant some proverbs. ...

@诸省15177039750 英语翻译,厉害的来.
******1894段肿 几个地方比较难理解:apparition = a strange creature start = move suddenly Now I stared at this sudden apparition 现在, 我注视着这个突然出现的小怪物,with my eyes fairly starting out of my head in astonishment.万般惊讶,我的眼睛简直要弹出脑袋了.(夸张地表示十分惊讶)
