
@五壮19680628320 在酒店工作去机场接外过来宾用英文跟他说些什么,(用英语) -
******1141郑连 可以这么说:hello.welcome to our citiy i am the hotel`s waiter .i will pick you up to our hotel

@五壮19680628320 关于导游到机场接机英语情景对话(两人的对话,则五分钟对话) -
******1141郑连[答案] 暂且用A代替领队 B代替导游 A:hello,i am jemmy .white ,the tour leader of holiday tour group .thank you for coming to meet us B:hello ,mr.white,nice to meet you .i am zhang mei ,the guide from China Youth Travel Service tian jin branch A:nice to meet you ...

@五壮19680628320 给外国人接机应该注意什么?应该需要用什么英语语句?请具体写一下或者发一个有效的网站给我 谢谢!! -
******1141郑连 在机场接机问候语 A:让我帮您拿行李. Let me help you with you luggage. B:谢谢!(你真好) Thank you! You a...

@五壮19680628320 商务英语对话~在线等~!急用~!1.接待客人,假设公司派你们去机场接国外分公司的代表,你会怎样接人?两场景,机场和公司里(欢迎会并介绍公司主要... -
******1141郑连[答案] 你可以按照下面的提示来写个草稿:it is a model as below:Mention for whom you are welcoming him/her… "On behalf of …." or "….is very happy to welcome you…."Mention some aspect of the reason for the ...

@五壮19680628320 么用英语怎么说如老外在机场接客户,我 -
******1141郑连 去机场接老外客户.常用英语 说 Did you enjoy your trip?你有享受这次旅游吗?Please let me know if there's anything you need! 如果有什么需要,请告诉我

@五壮19680628320 机场出口商接进口商的英文小对话 -
******1141郑连 we are a big supplier//importer for our .A:Excuse me. Are you Mr. Wagner from Western Electronics? B:Yes, I am. A:I"m Dennis ,the exporter of the local market. I am here to meet you today.How was your flight? Was it comfortable? A:It was quite ...

@五壮19680628320 接机的简单英语对话,英语课需要.基础不好、长相不行.要求是:我接长辈. -
******1141郑连[答案] 机场接机常用英文口语Excuse me!Are you Mr.Johnson?打扰了,您是Johnson先生吗?Yes,that's right.是的,我是.No,you got the wrong person.不,您认错人了.How do you do,Mr.Johnson!I am Tom,the salesman of the ABC...

@五壮19680628320 机场接人用英语怎么说接人应该用PICKUP -
******1141郑连 机场接人_有道词典 机场接 meet sb. at the airport;pick up sb. at the airport更多释义>> [网络短语] 机场接人 Meeting at the Airport;Meeting Somebody at the Airport 到机场接人 go to the airport to meet sb;go to the airport to meet sb.我要去机场接人 I need to pick up somebody at the airport

@五壮19680628320 迎接外宾英语口语对话? -
******1141郑连 Nice to meet you.

@五壮19680628320 么用英语怎么说如老外在机场接客户,我 -
******1141郑连 去机场接老外客户.常用英语 说 Did you enjoy your trip?你有享受这次旅游吗? Please let me know if there's anything you need! 如果有什么需要,请告诉我
