
@鱼黄18220751106 运费需要多少钱用英语怎么说 -
******2086伍子 运费需要多少钱用英语怎么说How much is the freight?How do you charge frieight?运费: freight

@鱼黄18220751106 求海运空运涉及的费用英文说法? -
******2086伍子 海运费 ocean freight集卡运费、短驳费 Drayage订舱费 booking charge报关费 customs clearance fee操作劳务费 labour fee or handling charge商检换单费 exchange fee for CIP换单费 D/O fee拆箱费 De-vanning charge港杂费 port sur-...

@鱼黄18220751106 报关费, 单据费,运输费英语怎么说?
******2086伍子 报关费: customs clearance charge 单据费: documentaion fee 运输费: shipment charge 我学物流的,应该没问题

@鱼黄18220751106 1000kg以下不含运费,1000kg以上含运费怎么翻译(英语) -
******2086伍子[答案] Below 1000kg exclude freight, Over 1000kg include freight.

@鱼黄18220751106 英语翻译请问运费是多少?能不能算我便宜一点?以后我会经常在你这买的.---跟老外谈运费(英文) -
******2086伍子[答案] how much is the carriage please? can you make it cheaper? I will always buy things from you. 这个好! 英语地道

@鱼黄18220751106 运费模板,英文怎么拼?
******2086伍子 运费模板:freight formwork

@鱼黄18220751106 运费到付用英语怎么说?2楼的你不懂就别瞎说. -
******2086伍子[答案] 运费到付:Freight Collect 运费预付:Freight Prepaid 以上皆为外贸用语

@鱼黄18220751106 国际快递的“邮费”英文怎么说? -
******2086伍子 postageairmail postage 航空邮费 ordinary postage 普通邮资

@鱼黄18220751106 用英文来解释CIF和FOB!!需要有定义~~! -
******2086伍子 FOB是装运港交货,卖方方负责货物到装运港之前的全部事宜,包括国内运输,出口通关的各种手续,是以船舷为风险划分界限,买方负责办理海运和保险.FOB:Free on Board 离岸价格(……指定装运港)卖方义务:1、在合同规定的时间和...
