
@干钢17763254729 求对艺术品,工艺品英文介绍!可以是一幅画雕刻 更生活化一点 比如家里的东西 -
******2126隆万[答案] "They were the oddest hills in the world,and the most Chinese,because these are the hills that are depicted in every Chinese scroll.It is almost a sacred landscape - it is certainly an emblematic one....

@干钢17763254729 中国传统手工艺用英语怎么说 -
******2126隆万 中国传统手工艺的英文翻译_百度翻译 中国传统手工艺 Chinese traditional handicraft 全部释义和例句试试人工翻译 handicraft_百度翻译 handicraft 英[ˈhændikrɑ:ft] 美[ˈhændikræft] n. 手工艺; 手工艺品; 手工业者; 手工艺人; [例句]She sells handicrafts to the tourists. 她向游客出售手工艺品. [其他] 复数:handicrafts

@干钢17763254729 阳光购物中心有许多工艺品,用英语怎么说 -
******2126隆万 阳光购物中心有许多工艺品 There are many art works in the Sunshine shopping center.

@干钢17763254729 请问:绒绢工艺品?请问:绒绢工艺品:的英文怎么说
******2126隆万 请问:绒绢工艺品:的英文怎么说 绒绢工艺品 Velvet silk handicraft 望采纳 !!!!

@干钢17763254729 工艺品仿真水果用英语怎么说 -
******2126隆万 工艺品仿真水果 Imitation fruit crafts

@干钢17763254729 “人工制品" 英语怎么说 -
******2126隆万 artifact 英 ['ɑ:təˌfækt] 美 [ˈɑrtəˌfækt] n. 人工制品,手工艺品,加工品; 石器; [例句]Each artifact and directory can have people associated to it..每个工件和目录能让人们和他关联.

@干钢17763254729 核雕的英语怎么说?苏州有个传统的手工艺品,就是橄榄核雕刻,简称核雕.以前上学的时候我们就学过一篇文章《核舟记》.说的是一个小核舟上雕刻着苏轼... -
******2126隆万[答案] peach-stone carving

@干钢17763254729 工艺筷子用英语怎么说 -
******2126隆万 您好,领学网为您解答:工艺筷子译为:Craft chopsticks 重点词汇筷子chopsticks 望采纳!

@干钢17763254729 手工的英文是什么 -
******2126隆万 做手工艺品-Do arts and crafts 手工-Manual

@干钢17763254729 筷子还被当做礼仪,寄情,馈赠,收藏的特殊工艺品和礼品.英语怎么说 -
******2126隆万 翻译:1) Chopsticks can also be used as a gift and special art-wares in etiquette, blessing, present and collection.2) Chopsticks were also used ..,
