
@韶泼15791766077 英语翻译1 他总是向我们抱怨Tom的不好2 他总是抱怨工资太低了3 他总是向我们抱怨他的工作 (能用这个句型么 complain to sb about sth 呵呵)4 他 埋怨我 ... -
******6637屠通[答案] complain to sb about sth是可以的,以及 complain about sth & complain about doing sth

@韶泼15791766077 工作挺轻松的,但工资不高用英语怎么说? -
******6637屠通 It's an easy job but it goes with a low salary.祝你快乐:)

@韶泼15791766077 但他的薪水很少的英语 -
******6637屠通 但他的薪水很少 But his salary is very little

@韶泼15791766077 “最低工资”英语怎么说 -
******6637屠通 你好!最低工资 The minimum wage

@韶泼15791766077 廉价劳动力:Cheap labor power 名词解释翻译廉价劳动力:Cheap labor power 工作时间相对较长,工资相对较低的具有劳动能力的人口.帮忙译成英语 -
******6637屠通[答案] Cheap labor power that group of people who are capable for laboring for longer hours with low pay

@韶泼15791766077 会计专业据说年薪很低,英文怎么说? -
******6637屠通 It's said that the annual salary of the accountant is very low ! (会计专业据说年薪很低)

@韶泼15791766077 什么是最低工资? (用英文回答)什么是最低工资?(用英文回答) -
******6637屠通[答案] The minimum wage,is to show laborer is in under the premise of legal working hours provided normal work,his employer (or the employer) to pay the minimum amount of labor compensation.

@韶泼15791766077 工资太低了,老板加工资!用英语怎么说
******6637屠通 Wages are too low, and the boss for more money! 欢迎采纳.

@韶泼15791766077 最低工资基本工资用英文怎么说?最低工资基本工资用英文怎么说呢
******6637屠通 最低工资基本工资用英文怎么说呢 最低工资基本工资 Minimum wage basic wage 望采纳 !!!!

@韶泼15791766077 “低薪资国家”用英文怎么说
******6637屠通 Low-wage countries
