
@柴有18072051710 请问工资的英文怎么写 -
******4554满货 计件工资: 1. piece rate 2. incentive wage 3. piecework wage 4. productivity wages 5. efficiency wage 6. piece rate wage plan Do you use piece rates or an hour wage? 你们采用的是计件工资还是计时工资? Work paid according to the amount ...

@柴有18072051710 英语的薪水都怎么说啊? -
******4554满货 1. Pay check:工资支票.公司签发的、能够在指定金融机构兑现的支票. 2. Pay stub:工资存根.存档的收据.用来核算签发的支票金额和应付的相关项目金额. 3. Pay period:工资周期.两次发工资间隔的时间.可以是每天(极少),每周...

@柴有18072051710 英语工资翻译 -
******4554满货 展开全部1. This is the highest salary and benifit I can offer right now. 2. Your salary is associated with the achievement you make in your work. Under the present circumstances, I cannot offer a higher salary and better accommodations, I am afraid. ...

@柴有18072051710 英语“月工资”应该翻译成wage还是salary? -
******4554满货 salary主要指白领阶层的工资,是按月发放的.wage主要指体力劳动者的工资,按周发放的.高校教师是salary

@柴有18072051710 你的工资多少用英文怎样问?谢谢!! -
******4554满货 How much is your salary ? How much do you earn?How much are you paid?国人会问这种问题,一般在国外属于隐私,所以不要问外国人这个问题.

@柴有18072051710 工资英文区别income,salary,wages,remuneration,premium,bonus,pay区别 -
******4554满货[答案] 1.income意思是“收入”,不强调途径,只要是得到的钱都可以称为收入.如:Tourism is a major source of income for the area.annual income就是年薪的固定说法2.salary表示从事脑力劳动的人(公务员、教师等)的工资,...

@柴有18072051710 薪级工资英语怎么说 -
******4554满货 薪级工资The pay scales of wages ; 岗位工资Wage jobs ; 绩效工资Performance pay ; 津补贴 Jin subsidies

@柴有18072051710 工资 社保 公积金 英语 -
******4554满货 工资: 1. wages2. pay 公积金: 1. accumulation fund 社会保险: 1. social insurance2. social security

@柴有18072051710 职等工资英文怎么翻译阿 -
******4554满货 “职等工资”英语可以说成(career bands wage) 职等工资:参照行政级别将全公司各岗位统一划分等级的工资制度. 各岗位职等工资额=现行工资结构中减除奖金以外的部分.:)~

@柴有18072051710 发工资用英语怎么说 -
******4554满货 发工资 payoff
