
@席临18880348785 以“My Busy Day"为题写一篇50词左右的小短文.
******2064江士 My busy day Last saturday is my busy day. I woke up at 7:00. I quichly changed my clothes, brushed my teeth and face. And ate breakfast. Then I opened my mysic box, finished my homework. At 10:00. I wang to my friend"s home. we played chess. ...

@席临18880348785 我的一天的作文50字(这一天几点干什么几点干什么的) -
******2064江士 春天里的一个早晨,阳光明媚,百花盛开.我背着书包走在上学的路上.小鸟在树上向我叽叽喳喳地叫着,好像在说:“叶子,你早!”两只五彩缤纷的蝴蝶在头顶飞舞,好像在说:“叶子,你好!” 我来到学校,到校的人很多.走近我们四(...

@席临18880348785 请以“My Busy Weekeng"为题写一篇50词左右的短文 -
******2064江士 My Busy Weekend I was very busy last weekend.I visited my grandparents Saturday morning.We cooked meals together.In the evening,we watched TV.Sunday morning,I played sports with my friends.I bought a presents for my mother,too.In the ...

@席临18880348785 家乡的秋天的早晨的作文五十字 -
******2064江士 又是一个在家乡的早晨.走在田园拥抱的小路上,一阵阵凉爽的晨风迎面吹来.放眼望去,一片片金色的海洋随着风向,翩翩起舞.小鸟唱起了悦耳的歌声;红蜻蜓在田野上伴舞;就连小溪也来加入这首只在早晨响起的“新一天的章”.走走走,坐在大榕树下.风儿轻轻拂过水面,泛起一层层涟漪;树叶沙沙作响,知了在用纯洁的心朗诵新一天的歌谣;天边淡淡的云霞,有着太阳初升的征兆.远处被云层掩盖得严严实实的山,正在闪烁着浅浅的红光.啊!出来了,出来了!我心中那个火红的太阳!

@席临18880348785 用清晨的一道风景为题写一篇小短文50字 -
******2064江士 请一道风景线当岁月的风撼动生命的树枝,日子如秋叶片片飘落,铺满一地,欢喜抑或悲哀都被踩在脚下,凝成永恒,在青春历程的岁月之风中摇曳成一串风铃.蓦然回首,一道独特的风景线熠熠生辉,身后的寒梅渐次开放,喑香依旧,疏影...

@席临18880348785 以my weekend为题写一篇不少于50字的短文 -
******2064江士 I think everyone will have a busy and interesting weekend. Now, let me introduce my busy weekend to you. 我认为每个人都将有一个忙碌而有趣的周末.现在,让我给你介绍一下我的繁忙的周末. On Saturday morning, I am going to the bookstore....

@席临18880348785 假如刘强是你的朋友,他的星期天通常很忙碌.用英语写一篇短文,50词左右.星期天早上通常去图书馆,下 -
******2064江士 Eating is an important part of our life. A good eating habit can make our body keep healthy and strong .Now,let me tell you about my eating habit in my daily life . In the morning,I often eat some piece of bread or eggs ,and then drink a bottle of milk....

@席临18880348785 六年级英语小作文写10句话以上的英语短文提示:Tom每天都有一个忙碌的一天.早上,他很早起床.然后做锻炼.接着读20分钟英语.吃过早餐后走路上学,他... -
******2064江士[答案] Tom is busy everyday.In the morning,he gets up early and does some exercise.After that,he reads English for 20 minutes.He has his breakfast and goes to school on foot.He has four classes in the mornin...

@席临18880348785 写作 要求:(1)用下列所给的单词或短语写一篇50字左右的小短文.(2)书写规范,语句通顺,意思连贯,标点符号正确.sunday we go to the park animals ... -
******2064江士[答案] We went to the park on Sunday morning. There were many animals, such as elephants, monkeys, pandas and so on. They enjoyed themselves in the park. Baby elephants were swinging. Some pandas were climbing and some were eating bamboos. ...
