
@茅峰14772532026 把什么和什么联系在一起,用英语怎么说 -
******1787司胖 connect sth with sthlink sth and sth togetherrelate sth to sth

@茅峰14772532026 把什么和什么连接起来的英文j句子 -
******1787司胖 肯定句用and 否定句用or

@茅峰14772532026 英语作文How to improve your memory 要有以下单词 开发大脑 把...和...联系起来 生活过得很健康 记笔记还要注意人称时态 上下文衔接与结尾 别弄得太深奥 -
******1787司胖[答案] Memory is very important for our study so we should find ways to improve our memory.Now I want to give you some advice .First you should use your head as much as you can .This can help develop your br...

@茅峰14772532026 把多个东西结合起来英语怎么说 -
******1787司胖 1. 从中让我学习到了很多东西用英语怎么说I learned a lot from it. 从中让我学e68a84e799bee5baa631333431353862习到了很多东西. 词汇解析: 1、a lot英文发音:[ə lɒt] 中文释义:许多 例句: I think a lot of people still underestimate him. ...

@茅峰14772532026 把一一连接起来用英语怎么说(词组) -
******1787司胖 造个完整句子才能中译英: 我在组合玩具把部件一一连接起来: I am assembling a toy by gluing each parts one by one together.

@茅峰14772532026 我们不能把他与这个事故联系起来,用英语翻译 -
******1787司胖[答案] We can't connect him with this story. connect… with把…和…连接或联系起来

@茅峰14772532026 把她与……联系起来 翻译为英文 -
******1787司胖 With her... connect Translated into

@茅峰14772532026 联系翻译英文 -
******1787司胖 联系[lián xì]词典contact; connection; touch; relation1这两个意念之间有何联系?What is the connection between the two ideas? 汉英大词典2这些结果很难与任何已知的原因联系在一起.It is difficult to relate these results with any known cause. ...

@茅峰14772532026 好的学习者时常把他们需要学习的和他们感兴趣的联系起来 用英语怎么说 -
******1787司胖[答案] A good learner often connected what they needed to learn with what they were interested in

@茅峰14772532026 老师要求我们学习时把文章和作者联系起来翻译成英语 -
******1787司胖 老师要求我们学习时把文章和作者联系起来 The teacher asked us to learn to connect the articles and authors
