
@闫孟13648522141 毕业论文的英文摘要怎么弄,怎么才能把他翻译成英文 -
******3752况怡 用谷歌翻译或者有道在线翻译,然后适当修改调整一下语序和错误的地方就可以了,满意望采纳哦

@闫孟13648522141 怎么把摘要准确翻译成英文 急!!谢谢!!! -
******3752况怡 System analysis of the current situation of the hospital pharmacy pharmaceutical care, modern pharmacy work to adapt to the requirement of times development, should be from the traditional "adjust" service mode, turned to give priority to with ...

@闫孟13648522141 请教一下写毕业论文的时候英文部分的摘要怎么翻译 -
******3752况怡 自己翻译也可以,摘要部分字数少难度不大,或者找翻译公司帮忙去翻译.看你个人决定咯.翻译达人.

@闫孟13648522141 如何把摘要改成英文,或者哪位大神帮忙直译一下,多谢啦 -
******3752况怡 专业性太强无能为力,不过或许可以试试有道翻译.这是有道翻译的结果,前言不搭后语的.Is the electron configuration of Yb3 + 4 f13. Only two electronic state 2 f7/2 - the ground state and excited state 2 f5/2, level up and down each have three ...

@闫孟13648522141 论文摘要怎么翻译成英文呀? -
******3752况怡 Abstract In today's society, many parents pay much attention to the child 's intellectual development, and have neglected the children good behavior habits. While the children good habits, in his whole life have an important impact on development. ...

@闫孟13648522141 论文摘要英文翻译求助 -
******3752况怡 层次分析法:AHP:Analytical Hierarchy Process 问题:有些地方省略为好.problem在这篇摘要里面不该出现.要用这只能用issue.还有“使用”一词的翻译,这儿用application最合适.科学、合理;汉语可以这么说,译成英语则不太好....

@闫孟13648522141 论文摘要如何翻译为英文 -
******3752况怡 Abstract: Along with the material life of rich gradually, people begin to seek spiritual enjoyment, tourism and leisure activities as first choice, arises at the historic moment of TV travel programme is big also more popular, but a successful tourism ...

@闫孟13648522141 如何将下列中文摘要翻译为英文摘要? -
******3752况怡 Abstract: Along with the net on the information development, accesses the net in the people lives the application to be more and more widespread. Advertised for the website to provide conveniently for the applicant, quick has responded to a call for ...

@闫孟13648522141 英文摘要怎么写? -
******3752况怡 英文摘要跟中文摘要差不多,就是把你论文的核心内容提出来作为摘要,让别人人一看就知道你的论文主要是关于哪方面的.

@闫孟13648522141 论文摘要的英文翻译~~急啊!!
******3752况怡 Research on mergers and acquisition Abstract As the economy continues to develop, mergers and acquisitions have become a trend of global economy around the world, which generate a huge impact on the entrepreneurs of all countries. Currently...
