
@潘亲13326437967 新时代交互英语视听说2答案那里有最新版的答案, -
******3380顾陈[答案] 新时代交互英语视听说2答案2009年09月08日 星期二 10:11 P.M.视听说二级答案 unit 1 23 132213 312 32211 drink ice lemon start think going have salad side back BAEDC 1324 221312 11211 12231 unit 2 23 13133312 113 1131 vacation fantastic ...

@潘亲13326437967 新时代交互英语视听说2level test答案 -
******3380顾陈 选择 A:Why was he late for school yesterday?B:He overslept . By the time he got to the bus stop,the bus ___already ___.A.was ;leaving B.has ; left C.would ; leave D.had ;left 解答:D 解析:公共汽车在到车站之前就来了,所以用过去完成时.选择 We () here today .A are all B all are C is all D all is 解答:A 解析:副词放在be动词之后.

@潘亲13326437967 新概念英语2 答案 -
******3380顾陈 http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6e673e5c0100nmbj.html

@潘亲13326437967 7.i remember ——him on the street three weeks ago. 1.to see 2.seeing 3.having been seen 4.saw -
******3380顾陈 remember doing something记得做过某事remember to do something记着要做某事所以选SEEING是对的.

@潘亲13326437967 谁有新理念职业英语基础模块2的答案 -
******3380顾陈 选择题 1.—Could you help with English? —No problem. A.me, my B.my, mine C.I, me 答案:A 2.Thank you your help. It's very kind you. A.for, to B.for, of C.with, of 答案:B 填空 1.---What would you like to_______? ---- Well, a hamburger and a ...

@潘亲13326437967 新概念2测试1 - 4答案 -
******3380顾陈 1)C A B D E2)abord exciting until bear attention sent received lend ringing spoiled3he said angrily to me yesterday.I will not see you again until friday.Mary is a spoiled child I have just received a letter from my uncle.he often goes to the theatre on fridays.4)B A C A C A C D B D 5)D D D A 6)C A A C D

@潘亲13326437967 新概念2答案详解 -
******3380顾陈 你先看看下面的是不是,如果是的话给我你的邮件.我发给你.Lesson 11. b 选b最为正确.因为a. d.都与课文内容不符合,也不合乎逻辑;c.的意思是“他们没有注意他”,而作者的意图并不是想让他们注意他,而是想让他们停止谈话. 所以选b. ...

@潘亲13326437967 新概念2测试1 - 4答案新概念英语第二册测试1,2,3,4的答案!拜托!就是新概念第一页那个测试1 第一题是;改写下列句子,用HE做主语.............. -
******3380顾陈[答案] 1)C A B D E2)abord exciting until bear attention sent received lend ringing spoiled3he said angrily to me yesterday.I will not see you again until friday.Mary is a spoiled child I have just received a...

@潘亲13326437967 新概念2答案 第一单元前面 -
******3380顾陈 Key to Pre-unit Test 1 A 1.He is busy. 2.He is leaning English. 3.He has a new book. 4.He lives in the country. 5.He will see you tomorrow. 6.He can understand you. 7.He must write a letter. 8.He may come next week. 9.He does a lot of work every ...

@潘亲13326437967 新概念2同步测试卷答案 是新版~ -
******3380顾陈 我有最新版的test 7 一到25题:AACBCCCCABADCBBBDDAACBDDC26 She pretends to be friendly to us 27 Today I got up a little earlier so that I could catch the first train28He examined the quality of the food critically last week 29 Sound travels ...
