
@康冒19826394008 网络版的新时代交互英语视听说2答案哪里有呀? -
******5723季宰[答案] unit 1 23 132213 312 32211 drink ice lemon start think going have salad side back BAEDC 1324 ... adbec bcbac acbaa abbab ccbaca 阶段测试: 新时代交互英语level2答案(test A) Sam Says,. a-c-b-a-b Hi,Chris,. was...

@康冒19826394008 新时代交互英语level2答案 -
******5723季宰[答案] 视听说的 还是读写译的? 视听说做错了可以退出后再进入重做的~ 读写译翻译的答案在书上的READING1 OR READING2 阅读第一篇可以退出重做,其他的~就看你造化了~

@康冒19826394008 新视野大学英语预备级2课后练习答案 -
******5723季宰[答案] 1楼Section A (Going Out on Dates)Comprehension of the Text3.Vocabbulary1) tradition 2)shy 3)period 4)pushing 5)adventures 6)pause 7)welcome8)stuck4.Fill in each of the blan...

@康冒19826394008 《新视野英语(二)》在线作业二,第6题6.To be financially well - _____, 6.To be financially well - _____,you need to work hard and spare no efforts to ... -
******5723季宰[选项] A. away B. off C. up D. out 满分:4 分

@康冒19826394008 新视野英语(二)》在线作业一 第11题
******5723季宰 B 因为横线上因该填的是名词 generous adj. generosity n. generate v.(create) generation (是一代代的意思)

@康冒19826394008 请问新视野大学英语2Further Reading答案有吗? -
******5723季宰[答案] unit1n y ng y y n nSuggested answer:your own group Suggested answer:culture and history Suggested answer:rural region y n n y ng n y Suggested answer:genuine core values Suggested answer:reality and b...

@康冒19826394008 求新视野online test 2答案1. A. She is all for it. B. She is completely against it. C. She is willing to accept a dog, but on certain conditions. D. She needs only a ... -
******5723季宰[答案] 不是有在线课程吗 就是那种在电脑上做题的 可以调出答案的(需要一点小窍门的) 我以前作那个都是全对的

@康冒19826394008 新视野大学英语读写教程第二册答案Unit2的 -
******5723季宰[答案] 新视野大学英语读写教程,第二版,第二册课后练习答案 unit2Section AVocabularyIII.1.promosing 2.amusing 3.lowered 4.persisted 5.rank 6.swear 7.unfair 8.presence 9.frowning 10.approximatelyIV.1.on 2.upon 3....

@康冒19826394008 新视野英语教程(第三版)听说教程2 答案.急求.谢谢. -
******5723季宰 新视野英语教程(第三版)听说教程2 答案..急求.谢谢.选择题—What your father ?—He is a driver.A.do, does B.does, do C.do, do答案: B2.I a brother. He tall.A.have, has B.has, is C.have, is答案:C填空1He died at the______...

@康冒19826394008 新时代交互英语视听说2答案那里有最新版的答案, -
******5723季宰[答案] 新时代交互英语视听说2答案2009年09月08日 星期二 10:11 P.M.视听说二级答案 unit 1 23 132213 312 32211 drink ice lemon start think going have salad side back BAEDC 1324 221312 11211 12231 unit 2 23 13133312 113 1131 vacation fantastic ...
