
@曹些15360665337 旅客JIM去入住国安饭店,拟写前厅服务员与他的一段对话(英文)
******5847驷榕 CS:good morning, sir! can i help you?Jim: I want to check in.CS: do you have a reservation?Jim: Yes, i have. CS: What's your full name, sir?Jim: Jim Kingston.CS: can you spell it, please?Jim: J-I-M, K-I-N-G-S-T-O-N.CS: Thank you, sir. Yes, i found it...

@曹些15360665337 帮我写一篇关于meet a guest at the airport的英语对话,对话时间大约在字3~5分钟之间,急用 -
******5847驷榕[答案] A:How do you do?B:How do you do!A:I'm the CCS's shingo-zhang,you can call me shingo ,and you must to be the Chris.B:Yes,I'm.A:Welcome to our country,I believe you'll spend a nice spell during our nego...

@曹些15360665337 国际航空的空姐在机舱上工作时,和乘客的英文对话是哪些? -
******5847驷榕 Flight Attendant: We have apple juice and orange juice. Which would you like?空乘:我们有苹果汁和橙汁,请问您要哪种?Passenger: Orange juice, please.乘客:请给我橙汁.Passenger: Thank you.乘客:谢谢.Flight Attendant: You ...

@曹些15360665337 求英语情景对话,乘客和空姐的对话,关于一个没有礼貌的乘客向乘务员要电话的情景,谢谢~ -
******5847驷榕 Passengers said miss you service attitude is bad, you give me your phone, I good complaints 乘客说 小姐你的服务态度不好,你给我你的电话,我好投诉你 Stewardess helplessly say I didn't do wrong place! If you testify or I'll go 空姐无奈的说 我没有做错的地方啊 如果有 请你指证 不然我就走了 剩下的我下次来打

@曹些15360665337 写一篇如果我是列车员与车上旅客生病的英语对话作文 -
******5847驷榕 i want to tell you something about the traffic in our city. i go to school by bus every day.there were always many people at the bus station wait for the buses.there was a bus every 20 minutes.it is so hard to get on the buses for students.the buses ...

@曹些15360665337 飞机上的乘客与飞行员的几句简短英语对话 急!!! -
******5847驷榕 Dialogue 1 调座位 P: PASSENGER F: FLIGHT STAFF P: Can I put my baggage here?F: OK.P: Could you change my seat, please?F: No problem. I will arrange it for you .Dialogue 2 点餐 P: What kind of drinks do you have?F: We have coffee, tea, ...

@曹些15360665337 求一篇导游和旅客的英文对话!急 -
******5847驷榕[答案] Tour Guide; Tom,today we are visiting Yellow mountain scenic spots area,as i had told you that the famous scene of Yellow Mountains are Pine tree,cloud sea,rock and sunrise. Tom :Yes,i heard from some of my friend,who had been visited here,saying ...

@曹些15360665337 求英语翻译 -
******5847驷榕 Then the security. To the security channel, opening a security counter, you will the passenger coupon ticket, boarding pass and id to X-ray, and X-ray examination no problem will stamp on th...

@曹些15360665337 飞机上的乘客与飞行员的几句简短英语对话 Pairwork:student A:you are on the airplane now .you don't know the regular rules and feels a little bit air sick and ... -
******5847驷榕[答案] Dialogue 1 调座位 P: PASSENGER F: FLIGHT STAFF P: Can I put my baggage here? F: OK. P: Could you change my seat, please? F: No problem. I will arrange it for you . Dialogue 2 点餐 P: What kind of drinks do you have? F: We have coffee, tea, ...
