
@宿爸18447452456 关于导游到机场接机英语情景对话(两人的对话,则五分钟对话) -
******1635习砖[答案] 暂且用A代替领队 B代替导游 A:hello,i am jemmy .white ,the tour leader of holiday tour group .thank you for coming to meet us B:hello ,mr.white,nice to meet you .i am zhang mei ,the guide from China Youth Travel Service tian jin branch A:nice to meet you ...

@宿爸18447452456 2人英语情景对话 机场 -
******1635习砖[答案] Mrs. Fu : Hurry up! We don't have much time left. Mr. Fu : Take it easy. We still have two hours. Mrs. Fu : Come on! This is my first time ever to take a plane. I don't want anything to go wrong. Mr. ...

@宿爸18447452456 机场安检员常用英语口语 -
******1635习砖 airport clerk

@宿爸18447452456 急,求一英文情景对话!高分求!去机场接客户,内容:相互介绍,问候旅途,提行李上车,介绍沿途城市(上海)入住酒店,商定之后日程安排 -
******1635习砖[答案] A:Good morning!Are you Mr...I am from...(公司名) B:Yes,I am .How do you do? A:How do you do,Mr.I am...(自己的名字).... A:Mr...,I'd like to talk about our schedule.Our manager expects to have dinner with you this evening.(具体情况我就不清楚了......

@宿爸18447452456 英语情景对话十年以后去机场接人,路上碰到一个十年未见的朋友(大学同学),让他一起去来写一个情景对话,不要太复杂的 -
******1635习砖[答案] A:Wow,my dear,what a surprise to see you here.B:It's you,What are you doing?So hurry.A:Yes,It's me.I want to the airport to pick up C.a little late,would you mind to go with me?B:No problem.so that we...

@宿爸18447452456 一些场景的英文对话
******1635习砖 苏珊 你知道在锻炼这方面,你们国家给我印象最深的是什么? Do you know which exercise impressed me the most in your country? Shì shénme? Shuōlái tīngtīng. 韩美美 是什么?说来听听. Which one? Could you tell me? Měitiān zǎoshàng zài ...

@宿爸18447452456 急求一个有关飞机晚点的英语情景对话 -
******1635习砖[答案] 1、The flight has been delayed due to some mechanical troubles.The engineers are making a careful examination of the ... 我们需等待跑道上的冰被破除. 7、The flight will be delayed because of a heavy rain in our destination. 由于目的地机场正下着倾...

@宿爸18447452456 求英语场景对话在火车站或是机场买票上车问路观看体育比赛或是电影的场景讨论还有就是在教室里讨论数学或是英语课程 -
******1635习砖[答案] Excuse me,where is the XX(地名)?或者:Excuse me,can you tell me where is XX?观看比赛:-How do you think about the match?-I like it very much!或者-I don't lika it,it was boring.课程:Hey,XX(被问的...
