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@霍性15582389256 机械专业毕业设计摘要翻译 -
******2852印冯 综采 in the face, with the back of the tape, and a tape will be essential and more frequent work processes, in the past, the two are separated by manual work, work, and take a long time, 劳动强度 and especially large, and there are more hazards, ...

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@霍性15582389256 毕业设计翻译
******2852印冯 The graduation design topic is diamond and cylindrical convex parts and fixture design. This paper according to the general procedure of fixture design, the design of the following parts: Based on the analysis of the components, discusses ...

@霍性15582389256 机械设计外文翻译 -
******2852印冯 Crane Work Needs More TechniqueAbstractCrane work needs more technology. Construction of tower cranes are the main vertical transportation equipment and also a measure of construction...

@霍性15582389256 机械类英文翻译 -
******2852印冯 Abstract This paper is a continuous casting blank teloping Table - the movements on. Casting a blank on a number of ways such as the widening of steel, pushing steel machine, transferring vehicles, lifting hook contrast, the final choice of ...

@霍性15582389256 求一篇4000字左右机械方面的英文文章 -
******2852印冯 A machine tool is a powered mechanical device, typically used to fabricate metal components of machines by machining, which is the selective removal of metal. The ter...

@霍性15582389256 毕业设计汉译英
******2852印冯 Pick to Manufacturing mechanical design and nc machining widely promoted and application, so greatly improve the working efficiency. In day by day the progress of nc machine industry, has become a indispensable tools, nc machine tools also ...
