
@伯凌13050839860 孩子们正在操场上踢足球用英语说 -
******1478孔泳 Children are playing football on the playground.

@伯凌13050839860 孩子们正在踢足球吗的英语句子怎么写 -
******1478孔泳 Are the children playing football ?******************************************************************* 加油!不明白再问!如果帮到你,请及时采纳,谢谢! *******************************************************************

@伯凌13050839860 看!男孩们正在操场踢足球英文怎么翻译 -
******1478孔泳 看!男孩们正在操场踢足球翻译为;Look!Boysareplayingfootball(soccer)intheplayground望采纳,谢谢

@伯凌13050839860 我是英语盲,所以呢,请用 Play foot ball 造四个句子(越简单越好)现在时:(这一句就可以直接写"我正在踢足球"的英文,但不要错)将来时:这一句就... -
******1478孔泳[答案] i am playing football. i want to play football. i played football. i have played football.

@伯凌13050839860 还有一些正在踢足球这句话怎样翻译 -
******1478孔泳 还有一些正在踢足球 英文: Some are playing football 韩文: 일부는 축구를 재생 日文: いくつかは、サッカーをしています

@伯凌13050839860 t0m正在踢足球吗英文 -
******1478孔泳 你好!Is Tom playing football ?希望对你有所帮助!

@伯凌13050839860 我路过时,老师和学生们正在踢足球英语句子翻译 -
******1478孔泳 我路过时,老师和学生们正在踢足球英语句子翻译 The teachers and the students are playing football when I passed by

@伯凌13050839860 我路过时,老师和学生们正在踢足球英语句子翻译 -
******1478孔泳 我路过时,老师和学生们正在踢足球英语句子翻译The teachers and the students are playing football when I passed by

@伯凌13050839860 康康和简正在踢球有英语怎么说改为肯定句
******1478孔泳 Kangkang and Jane are playing football.

@伯凌13050839860 terry正在操场上和他的朋友们踢球的英文怎么说 -
******1478孔泳 Terry is playing football with his friends on the play ground
