
@政胖17110671780 海底两万里 英文简介我只是个 尽量 简洁一些 不少于150字,宝们. -
******5357元泻[答案] The story started at 1866,Aronnax was French,and he was studying a large monster under the sea.At that time,this large monster's massager was traveling around the world.And after the reserch,he would return from abroad,and then he climbed up the ...

@政胖17110671780 海底两万里续写80字 -
******5357元泻 《海底两万里》是“科幻小说之父”凡尔纳的一部巨著.文中的故事情节都是非常曲折紧张,扑朔迷离瞬息万变的人物命运,丰富详尽的科学知识和细节逼真的美妙幻想融于一炉.这是一本值得一读的好书.

@政胖17110671780 海底两万里的英语简介啊???急用啊 -
******5357元泻 Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea is a classic science fiction novel by French writer Jules Verne (1828–1905), published in 1870 under the title Vingt mille lieues sous les mers. The original edition, published by Hetzel, contains a number of ...

@政胖17110671780 海底两万里的精彩英文片段 -
******5357元泻 片段1:不过希望在人心中总是根深蒂固的!并且我们又是两个人.最后,我还要肯定一点──这看来像是不可能的──即使我要打破我心中的一切幻想,即使我要“绝望”,现在也办不到!战舰跟那鲸鱼冲撞的时间是在夜间十一点钟左右.所...

@政胖17110671780 海底两万里第六章和第七章的概括 跪求,还有读后感,求速度!!!! -
******5357元泻 概括:七、不知其种属的鲸鱼:我被抛入海里,与孔塞伊在海中相依为命.正当筋疲力尽就要沉入海底时,被躲在独角鲸背上的内德.兰德拉出水面.内德说,这怪物不是鲸,是钢制的.我这才断定它是一艘潜水艇.我们在艇顶苟延残喘.天亮时...

@政胖17110671780 急求!用英语写的《海底两万里》《神秘岛》《格兰特船长的儿女》《等待戈多》简介 -
******5357元泻 《海底两万里》"Seabed 20,000 Miles" are the French world famous science fiction writer of fiction Confucian you ' 1.th verne representative works This novel description is French biologist Aaron natrium Si in the seabed deep place travel story. ...

@政胖17110671780 《海底两万里读后感要求500字左右海底两万里》读后感br/
******5357元泻 打开《海底两万里》,我怀着好奇心,和书中的主人翁探险者博物学家阿尤那斯一起乘坐着鹦鹉螺号潜水艇开始了充满传奇色彩的海底之旅.一起周游了太平洋、印度洋、...

@政胖17110671780 《八十天环游地球》的英语读后感 -
******5357元泻 vbThis summer, my mother bought a lot of extracurricular books, "Around the World in 80 Days," "海底两万里." The "Around the World in 80 Days" This book is my favorite one of the books. On the main charges in Lisburn. Fokker, Around ...

@政胖17110671780 关于《海底两万里》的片段及对应的读书心得 -
******5357元泻 读《海底两万里》有感 《海底两万里》讲的是一位博士、一个鱼叉好手和一个加拿大人为了寻找“独角鲸”时不幸被“独角鲸”连人一起撞进了海里.后来,他们才得知他们所说的“独角鲸”是尼莫船长的潜水艇“鹦鹉螺号”!尼莫船长与博士...

@政胖17110671780 企鹅英语海底两万里的原文
******5357元泻 The story started at 1866, Aronnax was French, and he was studying a large monster under the sea. At that time, this large monster's massager was traveling around the world. And after the reserch, he would return from abroad, and then he climbed ...
