
@连芸15844569354 谁能用英语介绍新西兰 -
******5939柏钧 New Zealand Flag Coat of arms Motto:None.Formerly "Onward" Anthem:God Defend New Zealand God Save The Queen1 Capital Wellington 41°17′S 174°47′E Largest city Auckland Official language(s) English,Māori,New Zealand Sign ...

@连芸15844569354 用英语介绍新西兰 -
******5939柏钧 Located in the southwest Pacific, New Zealand has two main islands - the North (115,000 sq km) and South (151,000 sq km) - and a number of smaller islands, including bushclad Stewart Island (1700 sq km). The country is famous for its natural ...

@连芸15844569354 用英语描述一下新西兰.
******5939柏钧 New Zealand (Aotearoa in Māori) is an island country in the south-western Pacific Ocean comprising two main landmasses (the North Island and the South Island) and numerous smaller islands. The country is situated some 1,500 kilometres (900 ...

@连芸15844569354 请问下新西兰的简介新西兰(英语:New Zealand,旧译鸟施仑;毛利语:Aotearoa,音译:“奥特亚罗瓦”,即“长白云之乡”)是位于太平洋西南部的一... -
******5939柏钧[答案] 新西兰(New Zealand),又译纽西兰,位于太平洋西南部,是个岛屿国家.新西兰两大岛屿以库克海峡分隔,南岛邻近南极洲,北岛与斐济及汤加相望.面积26.8万平方公里.首都惠灵顿,最大的城市是奥克兰.新西兰经济蓬勃,属于发达...

@连芸15844569354 求一篇关于新西兰的介绍 -
******5939柏钧 新西兰 雄伟的地貌景观、茂密的森林、奇特的野生动物和宜人的气候使新西兰成为理想的户外活动场所和旅游圣地.具有多元文化特色的新西兰社会处处体现着成熟与包容;诚实、开朗和善的新西兰人则以好客而著称,所有这些都会令人终生难...

@连芸15844569354 新西兰的英语单词介绍怎么写补充:用什么单词介绍新西兰
******5939柏钧 New Zealand 你的采纳 我的动力希望我能继续帮助你

@连芸15844569354 急需一篇关于新西兰的 文化的 英语文章 -
******5939柏钧 New Zealand is a small country situated in the South Pacific Ocean with a population of about 4 million.It consists of two principal islands, the North Island and the South Island.The natural features of both islands include rolling hills, beautiful lakes, ...

@连芸15844569354 有谁用中文和英语介绍新西兰的风土人情? -
******5939柏钧 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_zealand -- English instruction.http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%96%B0%E8%A5%BF%E5%85%B0 -- Chinese instruction.我尝试过了可以打得开.. 你再试一下, 如果真的不行的话. 到这个http://www.google.com/intl/zh-CN/ 然后再输入New Zealand Wikipedia. 在那里有各类语言介绍新西兰的. 祝你好运!!

@连芸15844569354 新西兰是一个美丽的国度和他们讲的语言是英语
******5939柏钧 New zealand is a beautiful country in which /that their language is english.

@连芸15844569354 帮忙用英语介绍一下新西兰的穿着吧.详细点,谢谢 -
******5939柏钧 it has a multi-culture society. New Zealander dresses as rest of the world. Like the lifestyle there, people dress casually, only at work office worker may be required to dress formally
