
@苏满18269848364 多少钱用英语怎么讲?
******2240应刻 hoe much money 满意的话 望采纳

@苏满18269848364 英语的多少钱,应该怎样写怎样读? -
******2240应刻 多少钱 How much how much how much money How much does it cost

@苏满18269848364 英语问价钱是用how much还是how money -
******2240应刻[答案] how much 问数量通常是how much和how many 钱是不可数,用how much提问

@苏满18269848364 多少钱用英语怎么说 -
******2240应刻 How much is it? / How much are they?/ How much does it cost/ How much do they cost? 都是购物时常用到的问价钱

@苏满18269848364 用英语询问价格用什么可以询问价格,又几种.How many 和How much是干什么用的.How many可以询问价格吗? -
******2240应刻[答案] 最地道的问价格方法就是:How much例如:How much is it?它多少钱?How much are they?它们多少钱?另外还可以说:What's the price of it?它的价格是多少?或者:I wonder its price.我想知道它的价格.或者:May I kno...

@苏满18269848364 你有多少钱用英语怎么说,How much money do you have -
******2240应刻[答案] 没错,就是这样说.

@苏满18269848364 how much可以翻译为 多少钱吗? -
******2240应刻 是的,这个短语就是用来询问多少钱的.

@苏满18269848364 英文的问价怎么说
******2240应刻 英语问价的表示 如: 苹果多少钱一斤 眼镜多少钱一副 1.苹果多少钱一斤 How much (is the apple )? What is the price (of the apple)? How much (does the apple cost)? 2.眼镜多少钱一副 How much (is this pair of glasses )? What's the price (of the glasses)? How much (does this pair of glasses cost)? pay for,也行,口语中多用省略形式;另外,英语中多用a kilo not half a kilo/per jin

@苏满18269848364 howmuch什么意?howmuch什么意思
******2240应刻 how much 英[hau mʌtʃ]美[haʊ mʌtʃ] 释义 多少,什么价钱,到什么程度 网络 多少 问价钱; 多少钱; (价钱)多少

@苏满18269848364 急求用英语问价钱的所有单词及句子, -
******2240应刻[答案] How much is it? 这个多少钱? How much is this? How much does this cost? What does this cost? What is the price of this? How much?*比较生硬的感觉. 多少钱? Could you tell me how much it is?(您能告诉我多少钱吗?) 如果你买的话就是说: ...
