
@蔺都18162476289 世界上有没发音的中英文语言转换器
******3824张冯 有啊`我看的小说里面有`还可以把各国的语言转换成你懂的语言`

@蔺都18162476289 中文翻译英文
******3824张冯 i wanna always have you with me (我想要永远拥有你)

@蔺都18162476289 汉英翻译,在线等!! -
******3824张冯 Today, our class had a discussion on the theme "like modern houses, or old-style house." Some students like the modern house, because they believe the house is more modern sense of security, look more beautiful, in line with the modern ...

@蔺都18162476289 中文翻译英文
******3824张冯 1 abroad 2 in overseas 3 the empire 4. Avoid 5 avoid 6 environment. C is beginning 7. Environment, e 8. Features 9 immigrants The fundamental 11. Aggression 12. The universe The magazine 14 our jobs 15 necessities 16. Travel 17) strategy ...

@蔺都18162476289 英语音标查询analogy
******3824张冯 此处无法正常显示,请点击:http://www.iciba.com/search?s=analogy&x=25&y=7

@蔺都18162476289 英语是全球通用的语言怎么翻译? -
******3824张冯 English is in common used all around the world.希望能帮到你^_^ 满意的话记得采纳哦~

@蔺都18162476289 英汉互译在线翻译别碰我 -
******3824张冯[答案] 别碰我 don't touch me

@蔺都18162476289 theater怎么读 翻译 -
******3824张冯 中文意思:剧场、剧院.发音:/'θɪətə/

@蔺都18162476289 英汉互译:世界各地( ) -
******3824张冯[答案] all over/around the world

@蔺都18162476289 英汉互译在线翻译INVENT -
******3824张冯[答案] invent英音:[in'vent]美音:n'v?nt]及物动词 vt.1.发明,创造He invented a new type of stethoscope.他发明了一种新型听诊器.2.捏造,虚构We must invent an excuse for being late.我们必须编一个迟到的借口....
