
@寿钞17121541901 英语在线翻译、词典、离线工具大全? -
******995胥亭 " 简介: 无论是我们平时浏览网页还是阅读文献都会或多或少遇到几个难懂的英文词汇,这时我们就不免要翻翻词典了.在电脑山使用的词典工具可以分为两种:在线词典,通过访问网站进行查询翻译. 离线词典,就是可 ... 无论是我们平时浏...

@寿钞17121541901 英汉互译. 1. 叔叔,伯伯 - ___________________________2. 阿姨,姑姑 - ___________________________3. 堂兄弟 - ______________________... -
******995胥亭[答案] 1. uncle 2. aunt 3. cousin 4. wife 5. grandfather 6. 戴眼镜 7. 花白头发 8. 开车去工作 9. 去散步 10. 步行去工作 11. 看报纸 12. 乘公共汽车 13. 下棋 14. 一起做有意思的事 15. 玩电脑 答案不唯一

@寿钞17121541901 英汉句子在线翻译 -
******995胥亭 1 what i need is a cellphone.2 whoever leaves the office, i should be informed.3 he will be successful.4 what i see makes me feel happy.5 it doesn't matter whether he likes (it) or not.6 it hasn't been decided that who will come to the meeting.7 what he ...

@寿钞17121541901 在线翻译一句英文 -
******995胥亭 在提交前请报告任何固有的可注册性问题.如果没有问题是显而易见的,请立即提交文件.

@寿钞17121541901 英汉互译在线翻译 -
******995胥亭 I plan to(或intend to) go somewhere else for travel(这里我用名词,所以不加ing了) in summer holiday this year, I want to travel in Hainan Island . I'm looking forward to seeing the...

@寿钞17121541901 英汉互译在线翻译谁是你生命中最重要的人翻译成英文 -
******995胥亭 谁是你生命中最重要的人Who is the most important person in your life谁是你生命中最重要的人Who is the most important person in your life

@寿钞17121541901 英语翻译英汉互译是将相同的信息在两种载有不同文化的英汉语言之间进行转换.信息相同是因为人们生活在同一个世界里 ,对客观事物有基本一致的认识和... -
******995胥亭[答案] English translation is a kind of convertion activity between the two very differenty culturual languages Chinese and English.People have the same information results from the fact that people all live...

@寿钞17121541901 初三英语英汉互译,(非诚勿扰)用英语翻译.1、你们应该6点到这儿.否则我们就赶不上头班车了.2、当你问候别人的方式不得体时,你该怎么办?3、我想你... -
******995胥亭[答案] 1, you should be 6:00 here. Otherwise, we will not keep up with the first departure of the. 2, when you are greeting someone else's way inappropriate, you how to do this? 3, I think you would otherwise ask you what to do. 4, your family's dinner last night at ...

@寿钞17121541901 英汉互译在线翻译 英语作文 My Sister -
******995胥亭 My sister Do you have any brothers or sisters? I have a sister, she is five years old. She is a smart girl. She knows many Chinese words now. She likes reading st...

@寿钞17121541901 英文单词与音标 互译 在线等‍‍[fæt] = ‍[pændə]=‍[di:p]['sistə]‍['intrist]['sʌdnli]['æŋgri] teacherratbedfacerabittickettaxibeancapitalfact好的回答追... -
******995胥亭[答案] 为你解答. ‍[fæt] = fat,胖的 ‍[pændə]= panda,熊猫 ‍[di:p] = deep,深的 ['sistə] = sister,姐妹 ‍['intrist] = interest,兴趣 ['sʌdnli] = suddenly,突然 ['æŋgri] = angry,生气的 teacher [ˈti:tʃə],老师 rat [ræt] ,老鼠 bed [ bed] ,床 face [feis] ...
