
@戎妻17665379900 中小学英语名言佳句? -
******2112田夏 1. A bosom friend afar brings a distant land near. 海内存知己,天涯若比邻.2. A common danger causes common action. 同舟共济.3. A contented mind is a continual / perpetual feast. 知足常乐.4. A fall into the pit, a gain in your wit. 吃一堑,...

@戎妻17665379900 英文读物摘抄好词好句 -
******2112田夏[答案] 1.No pains,nogains.一份耕耘,一分收获. 2.Never say die!It isa piece of cake.永远不要气馁,这很简单. 3.Where there is a will,there is a way .有志者,事竟成. 4.A young idler,an old begger.少壮不努力老大徒伤悲. 5.A good beginning ishaif done.良好...

@戎妻17665379900 英语好句子(初一能理解看懂的)老师让我做手抄报和摘抄 -
******2112田夏[答案] 写四季的句子 In the spring,everything become green,the grass come out,there are flowers everywhere(到处). In the ... (雪人)and play outdoor.It is so exciting. 英语格言 1. Pain past is pleasure. 过去的痛苦就是快乐. 2. Wisdom in the mind is ...

@戎妻17665379900 英语简短优美句子摘抄 -
******2112田夏 You wake up in the morning, feeling groggy and disoriented. 清晨初醒,你只觉昏昏沉沉,糊里糊涂 You look at yourself in the mirror, fearful to look him straight in the eye. 对着镜中的他,你已不敢直视那双眼 You back zero tolerance on boredness,...

@戎妻17665379900 谁有10句以上的英文摘抄...字数越少越好.急急急急急急急急急急急急 -
******2112田夏 1. Out of sight, out of mind. 眼不见,心为静2. Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧3. Promise is debt. 一诺千金4. The end makes all equal. 死亡面前,人人平等5. You cannot eat your cake and have it. 鱼与熊掌,不可得兼6. Time tries all. 路遥知...

@戎妻17665379900 有谁了解有哪些名言?用英语怎么说?可以告诉我下吗?
******2112田夏 英语名人名言大全100条1、Genius only means hard-working all one's life. (Mendeleyev Russian chemist)天才只意味着终身不懈地努力.(俄国化学家 门捷列耶夫)2、...

@戎妻17665379900 简短正能量的英文好句子摘抄50句 -
******2112田夏 1、Never put off plish your future.知识改变命运,英语成就未来.26、Learn and live.活着,为了学习.27、Let bygones be bygones.过去的就让它过去吧.28、Life is not all roses.人生并不是康庄大道.29、Knoorrow is ...

@戎妻17665379900 谁有10句以上的英文摘抄字数越少越好 -
******2112田夏 for young people

@戎妻17665379900 摘抄2句优美的英语语句 -
******2112田夏 1. People aren't against you; they are forthemselves.人们并不是针对你,他们只是为了他们自己. 2. Climb mountains not so the world cansee you, but so you can see the world.爬上山顶并不是为了让全世界看到你,而是让你看到整个世界. 3. ...
