
@贺询18762975019 论文摘要部分如何翻译成英文? -
******3621应子 写论文摘要时以一般现在时为主. 介绍背景知识时,要用一般现在时,例如: Speech recognition is the task of converting speech into text. 叙述研究现状时,也可以用一般现在时,例如: This essay is to analyse how the era influences corporate cultures, and to give suggestions on the building of corporate cultures. 叙述研究结果时,大多数用一般过去时,例如: Our text achieved the possibility above.

@贺询18762975019 麻烦翻译这段中文到英文,论文摘要用的!软件翻译请让开! -
******3621应子 nowadays, when you are shopping on line,you will find the nearest commodity price both on the market and the b2c website. and the prices on C2C are much more attractive to the consumers for the incredible low price. to offer the selling platform, ...

@贺询18762975019 论文摘要英文翻译 -
******3621应子 在2010版的word内就有这个功能.(选中要翻译的文字,点击鼠标右键弹出任务栏中就有“翻译”选项,点击“翻译”,选择英文翻译,再把光标置于要插入文本点点击插入就ok啦.另外还可以下载翻译小工具...

@贺询18762975019 本科生毕业论文摘要英文翻译,勿翻译软件,谢谢! -
******3621应子 Abstract: Lettuce, namely, lettuce, application of various varieties, production in recent years are cultivated area expanded rapidly.Through the use of plant tissue culture technology, using the versatility of plant cells, tissues and cells lettuce on callus ...

@贺询18762975019 求论文摘要英文翻译~别给软件的~急啊~~ -
******3621应子 你好,楼主!With the rapid development of modern industry, construction and renovation of the factory and production line is moving in the direction of automation, network and information technology. The conveyor belt is an important material in ...

@贺询18762975019 跪求英语高手,论文摘要翻译(软件翻译勿进)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -
******3621应子 [abstract] objective: to know the guangzhou art students' health literacy masters, factors influencing the guangzhou art students' health literacy, the main factors for the proposed targeted Suggestions to improve the guangzhou art students' health ...

@贺询18762975019 论文摘要在线翻译,谢绝翻译软件.... -
******3621应子 With the implantation of the film's extensive use of advertising, more and more ways and means. For a single film to box-office has been profitable way into the past, the use of implantable advertising film investment structure will have a fundamental...

@贺询18762975019 论文摘要翻译 -
******3621应子 论文包括中文摘要和英文摘要两个部分.至今没搞懂,为什么要在中文摘要的下面再做一个英文摘要,感觉就是为了逼格.那么翻译的时候可以采用直译法,对着中文字符一个一个译下去也未尝不可,毕竟摘要部分字数不多,出错概率会少很多.翻译达人,论文翻译、润色.遇到不懂的地方,可以直接查找资料、词典,句法时态这些也可以去请教你的老师或者同学.

@贺询18762975019 论文摘要翻译(中译英,勿用翻译软件) -
******3621应子 With Chinese market economy develop rapidly , husband and wife personal property increase by gradually, people marriage attachment to self's family change, our country has been establishing convention property system in 2001 "marriage law"...

@贺询18762975019 毕业论文摘要谁能帮忙翻译下,不要在线翻译软件翻译的啊! -
******3621应子 摘要:The rural economy has obtained the fast development in the recent years, but speeds up the socialism new rural reconstruction develops the rural economy main measure.Speeds up the socialism new rural reconstruction regarding to ...
