
@有启18780379235 请问,这个用英语怎么说?有英语说“请问,这个用英语怎么说?”就这句 -
******347佟媛[答案] Excuse me. How do you this that in English? 也可以是 Excuse me.what's this in English? 请问,这个用英语怎么说?” 楼上的 要有礼貌些 前面要加 Excuse me 才是 请问 额

@有启18780379235 请问翻译成英文应该怎样翻译????急急急 -
******347佟媛 拜托各位用翻译器骗分的朋友,请手下留情.各位来求助是想求正确答案的,不是机器翻译的乱七八糟的东东.打个比方,楼主想要盖个房子,而你们拿砖和瓦给盖了个狗窝就能交差的,对吧?别以为狗窝也是砖瓦组成的就是正确的.另外,...

@有启18780379235 请问这句英文怎么说?
******347佟媛 You've reached my limit!【有疑问,请追问】

@有启18780379235 请问英语交流中,别人问:你多大 我回答:22 你呢?请问这个“你呢” 用英语怎么说?可以说and you? -
******347佟媛[答案] and you 是 ok 的 ,最好用 what about u

@有启18780379235 请问这几个词组用英语怎么翻译?
******347佟媛 in his twenties in his tens his 20-year-old birthday in 1813s in 11s allow doing sth. allow sb. to do sth. suggest doing sth. suggest sb. to do In North of China/ in northen China in a condition of cold weather

@有启18780379235 1.请问英语怎说"请打开书本第5页"Please open your books at page five.还是用Please open your books on page five.2."让我们读第5单元的单词,每个读... -
******347佟媛[答案] 按照英美人的说法,是这样的:1.Open your books to page 5 please.这里直接用 to page 5,不用再加上turn 了.2.如果这两句话是连着的,那么我们可以灵活的翻译:And let's read the new words in Unit 5.Each one shou...

@有启18780379235 请问这句话英文怎么说 -
******347佟媛 通常英语里会问“您可以告诉我xxx路公共汽车的时刻表吗?或者任何一路可以到达yyy这个地方的车的时刻表?” Could you please tell me the schedule of bus xxx? Or any bus that goes to yyyy?在哪里坐车:Where is the bus stop?或Where can I find the bus stop车站在哪儿.

@有启18780379235 请问“原来”英语里怎么说? -
******347佟媛 原来 [yuán lái] 原来的英文翻译 基本释义formerlyoriginallyoriginalformerat firstprimarily

@有启18780379235 请问这句话用英语怎么说呢?如大家所知,咱们公司即将搬至新的办公地点在下月初.所以及时请告知你们的客户我们公司新的办公室地址. -
******347佟媛[答案] As we all know,our company will be moved to the new office site at the beginning of the next month,so please make your customers informed our new address in time.

@有启18780379235 请问用英文怎么回答呢This is price,pls confirm by return.如果确认可以怎么说呢,如果不确认又怎么说呢,请举例! -
******347佟媛[答案] Price confirmed,thank you. Sorry,the price you offered is unacceptable. 你自己可以分清楚哪个是确认哪个是否认的话就成功了.
