
@空实17593588282 一个革一个菊字下面念什么 -
******5917羊蚀 蹴鞠 cu ju

@空实17593588282 一小句的英文翻译、、求英语高手英国人发明乒乓球时想不到还有中国这个神一般的国度,中国人发明蹴鞠时也没有想到今天这种状况 -
******5917羊蚀[答案] 您的问题很简单.很高兴帮助您解决您提出的问题. 原句:英国人发明乒乓球时想不到还有中国这个神一般的国度,中国人发明蹴鞠时也没有想到今天这种状况 翻译:The British invention table tennis when unexpected and China,the god ...

@空实17593588282 英语翻译无论是在中国还是在西方,足球都是在跌宕起伏中发展.中国以蹴鞠一词来代表足球.而在西方,有点像足球的游戏叫做“哈帕斯托姆”,“哈帕斯托姆... -
******5917羊蚀[答案] Throughout either Chinese or western civilization, the development of football had its ups and downs. In ancient China, the word "cuju" is used to describe football. However, in the ancient Roman empire (不是西方,是罗马帝国), a game similar ...

@空实17593588282 用英语介绍一下足球 -
******5917羊蚀[答案] Football is a football or soccer game for short. Of course it also refers to the football game with a ball. Football is an ancient ... “蹴鞠”,后来经过阿拉伯人传到欧洲,发展成现代足球.不少国家将足球定为“国球”.LZ选我吧,这是真的翻译啊!

@空实17593588282 请帮忙翻译下面一段英文 -
******5917羊蚀 中国有自己的体育传奇.追溯到宋朝,人们就开始玩一个叫蹴鞠的游戏,这被看作是古代足球的起源.所以现在,你就会明白,为什么我们的女子足球队这么厉害.同一个概念,灵感来自著名的丝绸之路,我们的火炬接力将新的突破,从奥林匹...

@空实17593588282 “鞠咏之才,不患不达”的翻译 -
******5917羊蚀 不知道你要现代文翻译还是英语翻译 1、凭鞠咏的才能,不用担心将来不显达 2、Being so genius,JuYong is no doubt to be outstanding.

@空实17593588282 英语翻译清明节的习俗是丰富有趣的,除了讲究禁火、扫墓,还有踏青、荡秋千、踢蹴鞠、打马球、插柳等一系列风俗体育活动.相传清明节扫墓这是因为寒... -
******5917羊蚀[答案] Qingming festival custom is rich interesting,besides exquisite forbidden fire,grave,and outing swing,playing a game called cuju,play polo,insert willow,a series of customs sports activities.This is because the qingming festival deserve HanShiJie passed ...

@空实17593588282 把这段文字翻译成英文 -
******5917羊蚀 Football is a game of football or football. Of course, it also refers to the football game ball. Football is an ancient history, physical activity. Originated from the ancient Chinese a ball game, "a game called cuju, then spread to Europe by arabs, develop modern football. Many countries will be vying for football."
