
@夏亭17360103082 在训练过程中 用英语怎么说 -
******5779郑股 在训练过程中 In the course of training 过程 [名] process; course; procedure; transversion; plication; [例句]它经过了一个有趣的进化过程.It has passed through an interesting procedure of evolution.

@夏亭17360103082 这是一个循序渐进的过程 英文怎么说? -
******5779郑股[答案] This is a process step by step 或 This is an evolutionary process.

@夏亭17360103082 (享受走向成功的过程)用英语怎么说 -
******5779郑股[答案] enjoy one's way to success

@夏亭17360103082 根据加工的过程不同一般可以分为三种类型英语怎么说? -
******5779郑股[答案] It can be made into three different forms,according to different ways of procedure.

@夏亭17360103082 “面向对象和面向过程”用英语分别该怎么说啊? -
******5779郑股 面向对象 [miàn xiàng duì xiàng] object-oriented 面向过程 [miàn xiàng guò chéng] procedure-oriented

@夏亭17360103082 重要的是过程 而不是结果 英语怎么说重要的是过程,而不是结果 -
******5779郑股[答案] 来自“ The process is more important than the result.” by Phil Cohen

@夏亭17360103082 听见某人做某事/全过程 用英语怎么说 -
******5779郑股[答案] hear sb.doing sth.听见某人正做某事 consider doing sth.考虑做某事 spend time doing sth.花时间做某事 stop doing sth.停止做某事 see sb.doing sth.看见某人正做某事

@夏亭17360103082 重要的是过程而不是结果英语怎么说重要 -
******5779郑股 翻译如下: 重要的是过程而不是结果 用mattersWhat matters is the process, not the result!

@夏亭17360103082 在不变的过程中一切都变了用英文怎么说 -
******5779郑股[答案] 在不变的过程中一切都变了 All has changed in an unchanging process.

@夏亭17360103082 1:人生是一场旅行,精彩的是它的过程!用英语怎么说2:人生就像一场旅行,不必在乎终点,在乎的是沿途的风景,和看风景的心情.这是第二句,请问用... -
******5779郑股[答案] 1:life is a journey,the most brilliant thing is the process 2:life is a journey one after another the things you should care is the scenery along the way and the mood while you watch the scenery oitside the train window .
