
@鲜蔡18557542467 英语3人组问路对话范例 -
******2568许阙 Lucy:Pardon me,do you know this city well? Tom: What's the problem? Lucy; Could you tell me where the American Embassy is,please? Tom: It's on the other side of town. Lucy: That's no good.Maybe you can help? Tom: I will help you out if I can. ...

@鲜蔡18557542467 英语问路对话有意思的 -
******2568许阙 举个例子,比较地道:“ 走这条单行道, 在第一个红绿灯时左转, 那里就是 Hemphill Ave (汉菲尔大道). 是一条双线道. 往下走, 你会在你的左边看到一个加油站, 继续走50 码, 直到看到一个三叉路口, 右转, 经过二个 stop sign (停车标...

@鲜蔡18557542467 写一段主题为“问路”的英语对话 -
******2568许阙 "You can go down the Green Streen and turn right at the third crossing ,the bank is in the front for you,the post office is across from the bank!"把分给我吧!!!!

@鲜蔡18557542467 问路的英语句子有那些(不少于是个) -
******2568许阙 1、Could you show me the way to …… 2、Where is ...... 3、How can I get to…… 4、Could you please tell me the way to…… 5、Which is the nearest way to…… 6、Is there a nearest way from here to ……说句题外话,个人由此想到了一段很喜欢的对话: ——我可以向你问路吗? ——到哪里? ——到你心里! (*^__^*)

@鲜蔡18557542467 咋个写问路的情景对话 -
******2568许阙 Tom: Hello , Lily. Lily: Hello,Tom. What can I do for you? Tom: How to go to the Museum? Lily: Walk along this road, then turn left. You will see the Museum. Tom: Thank you.

@鲜蔡18557542467 英语补全对话 - --问路 -
******2568许阙 [实用英语]-街边对话问路篇 Hugh directs Emma to a police station ?? ??Emma:Excuse me. Excuse me? ??Hugh:Yes. ??Emma:Is there a Police Station near here? ??Hugh:Ah...police station? Yes? there is. Yes. Let me just think. ?? You want to go ...

@鲜蔡18557542467 帮我写一段很简单的英文问路对话!! -
******2568许阙 A: Good morning.I want to go to Apple Yard subway station,how can I arrive there? B:You can take the NO.959 bus and get off in the third stop A:Thank you very much!Happy new year! B:You're welcome.The same to you.

@鲜蔡18557542467 有关指路和问路的英语情景句子 急!!
******2568许阙 问路: Where is...? How can I get to...? Which is the way to...? Can you tell me the way to...? Is there a ... near here? 指路: It's on ... street. It's next to/opposite/behind/in front of... Go along the street and then turn left/right

@鲜蔡18557542467 关于(餐馆、购物、出游、问路)的对话,初三英语口语用的 -
******2568许阙 展开全部1) o! Is (Tom ) in ?2) Nice to meet you. I'm Bill Dillon.3) Nice day, isn't it?4) I'll take all of them.5) May I / Could I speak to …?6) Is that … (speaking)? Yes, it is7) How is everything going?8) Have a nice trip.9) This is … (speaking) .10) Looks ...

@鲜蔡18557542467 能求一个关于问路或者服务员点餐的英语情景对话吗? -
******2568许阙[答案] Excuse me,how can I get to the station? Go down this street and then turn left.
