
@秋净15215554814 飞机大概晚点多长时间英文怎么说 -
******6931危狭 飞机大概晚点多长时间 How long will the plane take飞机大概晚点多长时间 How long will the plane take

@秋净15215554814 英语翻译因为天气不好,所以飞机晚点了 -
******6931危狭[答案] Chinese Guangdong Province Maoming city oil city 4 group new lake 7 street 3rd yard 6 102至于方法就是:翻译原则:先小后大.中国人喜欢先说大的后说小的,如**区**路**号而外国人喜欢先说小的后说大的,如**号**...

@秋净15215554814 英文机场飞机晚点通知 -
******6931危狭 欢迎你加入我们问问团队 1、The flight has been delayed due to some mechanical troubles. The engineers are making a careful examination of the plane. 由于机械故障,航班已延误,机械师们正在对飞机进行仔细检查. 2、Owing to the air traffic ...

@秋净15215554814 飞机晚点五小时的通知英文作文 -
******6931危狭 飞机晚点 他的通告一般上应该是这样的: Dear passengers,flight xxxx(班机号码如A1234) from xxx(地名) to xxx(目的地) on xxxx(时间) is going to delay.

@秋净15215554814 英语翻译你最好要求你父亲戒烟.飞机晚点因为糟糕的天气.飞机不久就要起飞了,我们必须准时登机.坐在TONY位子上的那个人最后放弃了那个位子. -
******6931危狭[答案] You'd better request your father not to smoke The plane was late because of bad weather The plane will take off soon,we must go on the plane in time The person sat on the TONY seat gave up that seat at last

@秋净15215554814 因为雾很大,飞机可能晚点英文 -
******6931危狭 因为雾很大,飞机可能晚点 Because of the fog, the plane could be delayed.

@秋净15215554814 “飞机晚点二十分钟,在机场我怎么也找不到你”翻译成英文
******6931危狭 Flight was delay for 20 minute, why can't i find you at the airport ?

@秋净15215554814 飞机晚点了,机场有很多人在等飞机的英文 -
******6931危狭 飞机晚点了,机场有很多人在等飞机 The plane was late, there are many people in the airport etc.

@秋净15215554814 机场问询航班晚点英语对话 -
******6931危狭 哈喽 What I want to know when flight 789 to.(我想知道789次航班什么时候到.) What time the plane arrive?(这班飞机什么时候到?)

@秋净15215554814 飞机延误 时间待定英语怎么说 -
******6931危狭 The plane doesn't reach on time. Please wait another time.
