
@易晨19578295499 高中英语作文5篇 -
******6958鞠霞 How I Spent My Summer Vacation(1) The summer vacation had come round again. I was happy that I could forget about school at least for a while. Lest I fool around all through this summer vacation, I made a plan as to how to spend it. First, I thought I...

@易晨19578295499 高考作文万能开头八十篇加结尾五十篇 -
******6958鞠霞 高考语文作文万能开头结尾原则一:首尾相应结构严谨 例: 1、(开头)在城市尽头,没有繁华的街市,闪亮的霓虹;在城市的尽头,只有破旧的棚户区,有饱经生活风霜的生命;在城市的尽头、有他们这样一群人. (结尾)太阳从地平线...

@易晨19578295499 跪求5篇不同题材的高中作文 -
******6958鞠霞 1贫困也是一笔财富.范仲淹、司马光、宋濂、高尔基、梵高、居里夫人…这都是幼时贫困而后来成为才子的非常之人.寒门是他们植根的土壤,也就是这块贫瘠的土壤使他们不断地发育不断地成熟,塑造自我,完善自我,最终成为参天大树,...

@易晨19578295499 求一篇高中英语万能作文啊啊啊!!!100词的.跪谢啊! -
******6958鞠霞 Torn is a kind of beauty<br>Statement view<br>There is a hoop accidentally lost his part of the roll due to incomplete unhappy, so to enjoy the surrounding beauty, and made quite a few friends, life is full of happiness.<br>So, the deformity is also a ...

@易晨19578295499 高中英语作文万能模板(带翻译) -
******6958鞠霞 number/, ____. _____.Most important of all;第三个原因 是……,it can be seen that______ while. There are several measures for us to adopt. 4,我认为这不是解决……的好方法,他们相信……,我们可以……,在他们看 来. 根据图表/. 关于…...

@易晨19578295499 2011高考英语万能作文 -
******6958鞠霞 很高兴能够回答你的问题 说道万能这个词.我觉得在高考中目标是.你可以尝试目标的作文GOALS There are three kinds of goals: short-term, medium-term and long-term goals. Short-term goals are those that usually deal with current activities, ...

@易晨19578295499 求5篇英语作文.高中作文,要求100左右,内容简单 -
******6958鞠霞 第一篇A happy day Winter came and the first snow began to fall. It was early Saturday morning. When I got up and looked out of the window,i saw trees,roofs and the ground all covered with snow. the world seemed to br a vast expanse of ...

@易晨19578295499 高中英语作文120词5篇 -
******6958鞠霞 我新交的笔友(My new penpal) My new pen pal is an American boy. He is 13 years old. He is a middle school student. He often exercises, so he is very strong and tall. For food, he likes hamburger and salad. His favorite subjects are P.E. and ...

@易晨19578295499 高中语文作文万能句子 -
******6958鞠霞 ...这里先导开一个误区.万能句子是千篇一律的 另外高考场上老师最恨的也是千篇一律的 这种句子就只会降低整篇作文的看点和增分店 所以.你要学习的应该是修辞手法和表达技巧 另外就是投入自己的真实感情.让全文通俗流畅.我就是高考过来的.60分的作文50没问题
