
@姬饲19669016805 在线等!21世纪英语报11 - 12学年高一版28期的答案
******4365权强 D1:CBDBD2:A park near her house Sing loudly To enjoy themselves 这个公园连一个名字都没有——即使有,也是用中文写的,我根本不认识.D3:CABAD4:DCCAD5:1~5ACADB 6~10CBCBD【PS:同学,你也是高一被21世纪报摧残的娃是不?我也在找29期的啊!!】

@姬饲19669016805 21世纪报的网站是什么 有手机订阅? -
******4365权强 http://www.21stcentury.com.cn 有的 登陆www.i21st.cn/mobile

@姬饲19669016805 【写作内容】 请根据以下表格,介绍你喜欢的报纸《21世纪报》(21Century). 报纸名称及使用语言 21st Century 英文报纸 出版地点及出版周期 北京 每周... -
******4365权强[答案] 21st Century published in Beijing once a week is an English language newspaper and it is my favorite newspaper. It contains News of the Week Today's World Language Class Sports and Music and Students' Report. There are plenty of beautiful ...

@姬饲19669016805 高一英语21世纪报627期答案 -
******4365权强 Ⅰ.1. upset 2. personal 3. famous 4. surprised 5. Experience 6. original 7.nervous 8. chance 9. decision 10. impossible Ⅱ.11. are 12. them13. happily 14.beautiful 15. slowly 16. exciting 17. millions 18. water 19. to work 20. playing Ⅲ. 21.liked 22. ...

@姬饲19669016805 二十一世纪报321期初三Quiz Time的答案
******4365权强 Reading【P3】 BCAD 【P4-5】1. give him an A-OK gesture 2. tell a lie 3. eye contact 4. look straight at them 5. kiss cheeks 6. bow 【P6 】 CBAB 【P8】 BDCA【Cloze】 1-5 B A C B B 6-10 D C A A CWord check: 1-5 CDBBA 6-10 BCABA

@姬饲19669016805 求21世纪报10 - 11学年度第41期答案~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~·急啊~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~· -
******4365权强[答案] 明天要开学的孩纸吧…D1 CADCD2 1.We should stop relying on numbers.or Numbers don't mean everything.2.To show that a book having an impact on readers is more important than the number of its followers....

@姬饲19669016805 21世纪报 “初二11 - 12学年 第七期第七版'quiz time'” 速求 -
******4365权强[答案] 初二 Day 1 【P3】DBA Day 2 【P4-5】DAAD Day 3 【P5】DDBB Day 4 【P6】1-5 CCADC 6-10 BDACC Day 5 【cloze】1-5 BDAAC 6-10 BBDCD Word check:1-5 ADDBB 6-8 CBB

@姬饲19669016805 急求初二21世纪报274期(09 - 10学年度第3期)QUIZ TIME的答案! -
******4365权强[答案] me too

@姬饲19669016805 21世纪报 reform for hukou -
******4365权强 IT was hard to tell Yuan Ye, 16, from a group of teenagers dressed in uniform in a local middle school in Shanghai. But Yuan always felt like there was a label (标签) pinned on him, underlining his difference – he didn't have a local hukou or ...
