
@郜松13218717645 少儿英语口语自我介绍 -
******2869王泥 Hi, boys and girls, good morning, it is my plearsure to take this change to introduce myself, my name is ***, i am 10 years old. About my family, there are 4 people in my family, father, mother, brother and me, my father and mother are all very kind, ...

@郜松13218717645 初一自我介绍 我是男生 12岁 不用写样子 写一些爱好 缺优点就好 写的最好淡定点 谦虚点 100字左右 急需 -
******2869王泥 各位老师同学大家好 ,我叫xxx,来自于xxx小学,今年12岁了.喜欢K歌、打篮球、玩游戏、听音乐,学习成绩嘛,一般一般,班级第三,希望在新的班级中得到各位老大的提携,我将感激不尽.另外说明一点,我是一个最喜欢交朋友的人,希望以后我们大家都能成为好朋友,有什么困难我们共同去克服!谢谢大家!我觉得第一次向新同学介绍自己,没有必要太中规中矩,有点搞笑、玩世不恭的态度更好,让人觉得你幽默、大度、容易接触!自己参考修改吧!

@郜松13218717645 小学生怎样用英语自我介绍? -
******2869王泥 Hello,everyone,my name is ##.i come from ## school ,i # years old.my hobby is # and #.i like making friends,and i hope we will be good friends.大家好,我是##.我来自#小学.我今年#岁了.我的爱好是#和#.我很喜欢交朋友,希望和大家成为好朋友!

@郜松13218717645 小学生英语自我介绍. -
******2869王泥 i am glad to introduce myself. my name is XXX i am 12 years old ,i am from XXXXpriamry school ,i like basketball ,football and golf, i want to make friends with everyone ,thanks ~!

@郜松13218717645 小学1分钟英语自我介绍我叫孙可心今年12岁急用
******2869王泥 My name is Sun Kexin. I'm a girl and 12 years old this year. I'm in Grade Three Class Five and I study very hard. I like English very much. I can speak and write in English now and my parents say I'm a nice girl.

@郜松13218717645 谁能帮我写一篇7岁幼儿英语大赛自我介绍和内容,要求2分30秒 -
******2869王泥[答案] Hello,everyone: My name is xxx,I'm from xxx Primary School.I'm xxx years old.There are 3 people in my family,my mother,my father and I.I love them very much .I like singing ,dancing and drawing.And I like watching cartoons .I have many friends and enjoy ...

@郜松13218717645 8岁小孩1分钟英语自我介绍 -
******2869王泥 自我介绍大家好,很高兴借此机会来介绍我自己.我叫…...,英文名叫……,来自美丽的广西桂林,现就读于南宁职业技术学院,主修会计.我在业余生活喜欢读书、写字、听音乐、交朋友.我是一个自信的人,执着而有耐心是我最大的特点....

@郜松13218717645 自我介绍130字五年级男生是怎么介绍的,是12岁 -
******2869王泥 Hi everybody. let me tell you something about myself. My name is.....I am eleven years old. I am very good at playing football. This summer holiday I went to Qinhuangdao to take part in a footabll match and we won the first place.

@郜松13218717645 自我介绍 3分钟 (初一新生入学向同学们介绍自己) -
******2869王泥 1、初一新生入学自我介绍 大家好,我叫xxx,今年15岁,我曾在东屏小学上学,我有许多爱好:下棋、打球、看电视等.这些可是我最喜欢的爱好了.但有时也会看看书,增长一些知识. 要说下棋,还算不错,这可不是吹牛.什么围棋、军棋...

@郜松13218717645 初一,第一单元作文,自我介绍,600字以内.名字 由萍 七年二班.12周岁.帮忙想一个.今天就要完成!!! -
******2869王泥 阳光女孩 大家好,我的名字叫陈虹宇.我是一个刚刚迈入中学大门的初一新生,与众多新生一样,我带着充满好奇和有着强烈求知欲望的心来到了神圣的殿堂.想必大家对我还不是很熟悉吧!下面我就给大家做一下自我介绍 本人相貌平平:圆...
