
@夹凡18365929691 手绘作品用英文怎么翻译?handpainting这个可以代替吗?不要太长的,简洁点的, -
******5742阙秦 =========================手绘作品 = hand-drawn art=========================注:handpainting 不能连在一起,正确:hand painting. hand painting = 手绘画hand-drawn = 手绘hand-drawn art = 手绘艺术handicraft = 工艺品

@夹凡18365929691 涂鸦艺术英文怎么写
******5742阙秦 应该直接写GraffitiAncient Art就行了,不过不知你的古代艺术有没有专指,如果指的是古希腊时所说的艺术就应该是Graffititekhne了,因为古希腊人所说的艺术和我们今天的艺术是不同的,艺术(tekhne)= 艺术(art)+ 手艺(handicraft)

@夹凡18365929691 英文翻译,..这些工艺品都是我亲手做的. -
******5742阙秦[答案] These are all my hand-made crafts. These handicraft are all made by myself. 工艺品 workmanship; handicraft article; handiwork; handicraft

@夹凡18365929691 匠的英文翻译叫什么?? -
******5742阙秦 技能是 Sharpness+1 技能树是叫 Handicraft

@夹凡18365929691 谁能帮我翻译一下英文 手工翻译 谢谢 感激不尽 -
******5742阙秦 问题2113不太明确.提问者想要的是什么上下5261文里的手工?比如说:“这双鞋4102是手工制作的.”的手工,就要这样翻译:1653This pair of shoes is hand-made. 或:This is a pair of hand-made shoes. 或:This pair of shoes was made by hand. 而手工版还有名词词性,handicraft 手工艺品.不权知问者要的是什么.

@夹凡18365929691 球英语翻译.这件工艺品的做工很精细. -
******5742阙秦[答案] This handicraft shows fine workmanship./ This handicraft made with exquisite workmanship.

@夹凡18365929691 中国古代的工业是手工业的意思吗
******5742阙秦 是一个意思.手工业(handicraft industry )是指依靠手工劳动进行工业生产和生活用品生产的活动.明清时期手工业生产十分兴盛.中国古代民间手工业是中国封建社会中...

@夹凡18365929691 the Handicraft Center的意思和例句 -
******5742阙秦 I went to the handicraft center yesterday and bought some nice goods.我昨天去了工艺品市场,买了些很不错的东西

@夹凡18365929691 求一篇关于handicraft 英语作文 -
******5742阙秦 The handicraft I am going to talk about is the paper-cut one. Before almost every Spring Festival, my mom would buy piles of paper cuttings to decorate the home. They would be pasted on the windows and the entrances to bring good luck. But this ...

@夹凡18365929691 能帮我翻译一下这个资料吗? -
******5742阙秦 (1)Hot to solidify handicraft (2) paint Reed match kindness craft paint have good adhesive force performance, able to bear the high temperature, and can protect silver layer...
