
@曹诚15030443797 用鲜血祭奠死去的温柔!翻译成英语要怎么说? -
******3427时冯 Offer a blood sacrifice for the dead tenderness !楼主的 sacrifice 不要加 s ,因为这是感叹句/祁使句. passed 也不如 deadTo sacrifice the dead tenderness with fresh blood! Sacrifice the dead tenderness with fresh blood!

@曹诚15030443797 生命的英语? -
******3427时冯 生命: [ shēng mìng ] 1. life 近义词或词组 lifebreath | heart's-blood | anima | daylights | blood | being | vita 例句与用法1. 科学家们正在研究火星的照片,寻求生命的迹象. Scientists are studying the photographs of Mars for signs of life. 2. 他牺牲了...

@曹诚15030443797 “生死不离” “生命不息”这两个短语分别怎么翻译成英语?谢谢. -
******3427时冯 生死不离Chain of life and death生命不息Endless life 生死不离Chain of life and death Where is your dream fall Continue to think of life The loss of a beautiful sky You have to wait for tomorrow to stand up dream Shout your engraved in my blood ...

@曹诚15030443797 用英语翻译
******3427时冯 You no longer exists in my mind, music & Poor's beating will be an attractive boy, you're not his personality, you're not his capability, would you please go away, I have not love, guitar is my lifeline. Guitar is my life, my whole future of

@曹诚15030443797 生命的英语? -
******3427时冯 life

@曹诚15030443797 怎么翻译?goodcustomerserviceisthelif?
******3427时冯 好的客户服务是每个企业的生命之血,吸引回头客是关键所在 如果能帮到你,请好评一个,谢谢

@曹诚15030443797 有没有像lifeblood那样显得很重要,读起来和lifeblood可以配成一对的英文单词 -
******3427时冯 lifeline生命线

@曹诚15030443797 找一篇环保英文短篇,最好有英文发音和汉语翻译 -
******3427时冯 Water is the source of life, cherish Yeah! The boundless sea, the wide lakes and rivers of ice, magnificent, bubbling springs... These kinds of water, our human homes, particularly beautiful dress to the earth brings great vitality. Can you imagine, if ...

@曹诚15030443797 找一篇环保英文短篇,最好有英文发音和汉语翻译 -
******3427时冯 Water is the source of life, cherish Yeah! The boundless sea, the wide lakes and rivers of ice, magnificent, bubbling springs... These kinds of water, our human homes, particularly beautiful dress to the earth brings great vitality. Can you imagine, if ...

@曹诚15030443797 "生命"用英语怎么说??? -
******3427时冯 anima being daylights heart's-blood life 详情请看:
