
@养翟18415827621 quite a lot什么意思 -
******733叔符 quite a lot: ad. 非常多 例句与用法: 1. He has published quite a lot of articles. 他发表了不少文章. 2. We drank quite a lot of wine. 我们喝了不少葡萄酒.

@养翟18415827621 quite a bit 与a lot有什么区别 -
******733叔符[答案] quite a bit 相当多 a lot 许多 常用语

@养翟18415827621 quite+a+lot+of+flights+have+to+be+put+off是甚么意思
******733叔符 答案是:相当多的航班不得不推迟☞ ♧手工翻译☀尊重劳动☀欢迎提问☀感谢采纳♧ ☜

@养翟18415827621 quitea lot什么意思 -
******733叔符 quite a lot[英][kwait ei lɔt][美][kwaɪt e lɑt] 好些; 相当多例句: 1. Really? I heard you drank quite a lot. 真的吗?我听说你喝了不少.

@养翟18415827621 quiet a bit和quiet a lot的区别? -
******733叔符 quite a loquite a lot 相当多 quite a lot 相当多 很多 很多 quite a lot 固定搭配,表示很多5.quite a lot固定搭配,表示很多.大量,相当多,不少,很多quite a little意为“相当多”,修饰不可数名词、quite a few意为“相当多”,修饰可数名词、quite ...

@养翟18415827621 quite a bit / a lot造句 -
******733叔符[答案] I ate quite a bit/a lot of food during lunch today. 我午餐时吃了很多食物. I've slept quite a bit/a lot during the past few days. 我过去几天睡的很多.

@养翟18415827621 quite a bit/lot用法,及举例 -
******733叔符 quite a bit 相当多的例句与用法:I've been abroad three times this year. I get about quite a bit. 今年我已经出国三次了,我走的地方相当多. It takes quite a bit of time to get from London to Glasgow. 从伦敦到格拉斯哥要花很多时间. They affirmed...

@养翟18415827621 quite a -
******733叔符[答案] quite a lot: ad.非常多 例句与用法: 1.He has published quite a lot of articles. 他发表了不少文章. 2.We drank quite a lot of wine. 我们喝了不少葡萄酒.

@养翟18415827621 quite a bit / a lot造句 -
******733叔符 I ate quite a bit/a lot of food during lunch today. 我午餐时吃了很多食物. I've slept quite a bit/a lot during the past few days. 我过去几天睡的很多.

@养翟18415827621 quite abit/a lot什么意思 -
******733叔符 “很多”的意思
