





my plan at the weekendMy name is Wang Juan,I have many things to do at the weekend.In the Saturday morning,I will watch a new movie with my classmates.I will do my homework and help my mother with some housework in the afternoon.In the evening, I will take a walk with my parents and review the knowledge whicn I learnt from school.On Sunday,I want to have a picnic with my best friend .I think it will be a busy but wonderful weekend.

#15014247361# 谁能帮我写一篇关于中学生的烦恼的英语作文吖? ******
#龚瑞#The toubles of students When asked about the problems that they have, the majority of students, about 80%, said that they were troubled by the exam results, while about a half of them were constantly haunted by their mass of homework. Only a few ...

#15014247361# 求一篇写自己一件烦恼事的英语作文,字数70左右,初二水平的,悬赏!! - ******
#龚瑞# Dear editor, How's it going?I'm sorry to tell you that I have so much homework to do and I can't do what I want to do.Well,these days,I feel very upset.This is because my parents aren't allow me to watch TV and play computer games.Even sometimes I ...

#15014247361# 《烦恼的一天》作文100字左右 - ******
#龚瑞# 烦恼的一天 字数:181个字 对别人来说星期天是一个快乐的日子,可对于我来说是个值得我烦恼的日子,星期天每天早上我都要六点钟起来读书一小时;七点钟吃完饭就要听英语单词;八点钟上补习班;十一点钟回家吃饭;下午一点钟又上补习...

#15014247361# 真是令人苦恼的一天作文 - ******
#龚瑞# 我的学习生活是那么的苦恼,我自己没有一点快乐时光. 我的家庭是一个比较富裕的家,我的爸爸是大学毕业,于是他把我看的很重,望子成龙的心情就放在我的身上,虽说让我吃好的穿好的可是不给我一点自由时间,要我整天学习学习再学...

#15014247361# 初一英语作文:《My Happy Day》《Daily》 - ******
#龚瑞# Tody,I'm very happy,why?Because I'm go to the park with my dad,my mom and my good friends.We are play football at the football field and father teaches me how to swim,then we are have a pinic in the park,next I and my best friends are going ...

#15014247361# 英语作文初中忙碌的一天 - ******
#龚瑞# 忙碌的一天 A busy dayThis morning I got up early. After breakfast, I helped mom with housework. Then I did my homework.The homework was very interesting, so I did it well. In the afternoon, I played table tennis with my friend Lingling, We enjoyed ...

#15014247361# 生活中的困难 英语初中作文60字 - ******
#龚瑞#[答案] Peacetime grandparents regarded me as a baby, love me, love me and I fear in the hearts of more and more - as I fear that a ... 爷爷奶奶却疼爱得说:萱萱还小. 唉,我真想对爷爷奶奶说出我的烦恼,有怕这话象针一样刺痛他们的心.但我不想成为温室...

#15014247361# 初一英语作文《my vacation》《my weekends》《my day》的精品范文谁有? ******
#龚瑞# My Vacation A gentle rain fell steadily. The air was murky with smoke. The weather was cool. So we decided to climb the mountain. It was called Mountain Siming. In the morning, my mother got everything ready. Then my family set off. We drove to ...

#15014247361# 急需初一英语作文Mg Day 再加上汉语意思 - ******
#龚瑞# My day Hello, I am Liu Wei. Now let me tell you something about my day. I go to school from Monday to Friday. So I usually get up at 6:30 in the morning. I have breakfast at 6:45. Then I go to school at 7:00. Oh! It is 8:00. It is time to do morning ...

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