

salary is too low更多释义>>


工资太低 Underpaying;Low wages;low salary
他抱怨工资太低。 He complained of being underpaid.
而我的工资太低 My salary is too low

Salary is too low.


what a boring job and the wage is too low

English is not a problem,but the salary is too low

#13595262306# 工作挺轻松的,但工资不高用英语怎么说? - ******
#仲净# It's an easy job but it goes with a low salary.祝你快乐:)

#13595262306# 什么是最低工资? (用英文回答)什么是最低工资?(用英文回答) - ******
#仲净#[答案] The minimum wage,is to show laborer is in under the premise of legal working hours provided normal work,his employer (or the employer) to pay the minimum amount of labor compensation.

#13595262306# “最低工资”英语怎么说 - ******
#仲净# 你好!最低工资 The minimum wage

#13595262306# 最低工资基本工资用英文怎么说?最低工资基本工资用英文怎么说呢 ******
#仲净# 最低工资基本工资用英文怎么说呢 最低工资基本工资 Minimum wage basic wage 望采纳 !!!!

#13595262306# ...a few of the farmers would use us,and those that did paid very poor wages."只有很少的农场主愿意雇用我们,他们付给我们非常低的工资",麻烦各位高人... - ******
#仲净#[答案] those 指代the farmers,注意不是 a few of the farmers,因为句子的范围不一致 , that did 是定语从句,恢复的话是 the ... 所以才会用定语从句. 意思是 只有很少的农场主愿意雇用我们,而那些雇用了我们的农场主也仅付给我们非常低的工资

#13595262306# 工资可能会便宜点,用英语怎么说 - ******
#仲净# 英文原文: Wages may be cheaper 英式音标: [ˈweɪdʒɪz] [meɪ] [biː] [ˈtʃiːpər] 美式音标: [ˈweɪdʒɪz] [me] [bi] [ˈtʃiːpər]

#13595262306# “工资”和“薪水”用英文分别怎么说? - ******
#仲净# lz,很高兴为您解答.工资英文是wage 薪水的英文是salary 望采纳

#13595262306# 现在的工作工资太低又烦又累想跳槽不知道怎么说? - ******
#仲净# 不建议现在辞职,很多人找不到你现在的待遇,跳槽不一定有合适的,跳槽频繁也不好,你现在的想法每个人都会有,急不来的,只有稳步增长自己的能力,才能有更好的薪水...

#13595262306# 英语翻译工资怎么样 - ******
#仲净# 呵 先生 您这话有歧义呢 可以有两种答案一:英语翻译人员的工资一般都是较高的,特别是高级酒店或著名外企里,二,工资怎样,英语翻译是how is the salary?麻烦点击采纳哦~

#13595262306# 怎样用英语说“名义工资和实际工资” ******
#仲净# nominal salary actual salary

  • 用英语怎么说,工资太低
  • 答:用英语怎么说,工资太低 工资太低 salary is too low更多释义>> [网络短语]工资太低 Underpaying;Low wages;low salary 他抱怨工资太低。 He plained of being underpaid. 而我的工资太低 My salary is too l...

  • 请问用英语怎么说,工资太低?
  • 答:This job doesn't pay much.

  • 唉,上班真没劲,工资太低了。用英语怎么说
  • 答:what a boring job and the wage is too low

  • 英语翻译:我的工资给的太少了
  • 答:hamburger restaurant. They only pay chicken feed.我没有接受那家快餐店的工作,他们能付的薪水少的可怜。p.s. 这个用法就是表示薪水低,我在VOA special English words and their stories 里听到的。楼主可放心使用。

  • 工资用英语怎么说
  • 答:工资英语说法1:wages 工资英语说法2:salary 工资英语说法3:laborage 工资的相关表达:工资单 Payroll ; pay slip ; pay bill ; pay stub 浮动工资 floating wages ; fluctuating wages ; Wage in Sliding Scale ; ...

  • “工资”用英文怎么说
  • 答:工资 [gōng zī] 在例句中比较 词性:n. wage vt. salary 释义:作为劳动报酬付给劳动者的货币或实物 例句:The employers and strikers had deadlocked over the wage. 雇主和罢工者在工资问题上相持不下。fee, ...

  • 工资用英语怎么说
  • 答:“工资”用英语有三种说法:salary、pay、wages。1、pay是普通用词,不可数,意思是“工资,薪水”,指工作所得到的酬金,也可特指发给军人的薪饷,强调付、了钱。例如:We refused to pay them their wages.翻译:我们拒绝...

  • 刚刚来,感觉公司一般吧,工资比较低 呵呵 用英语表达
  • 答:I'm new in the company and I feel it just so so. The salary is too low.

  • 工资英文区别
  • 答:翻译:低收入家庭越来越吸引媒体的关注。2、salary 指非体力劳动者所得到的“工资、薪水”,通常按月,有时按季或年计算。例如:She draws a substantial salary.翻译:她的薪水相当高.。3、wages 指简单劳动或体力劳动者...

  • 抱怨的英语名词是什么抱怨的英语短语
  • 答:他们抱怨工资太低。其中几个已经辞职了。How can you have the gall to complaint about other people's being lazy 你怎么厚着脸皮抱怨说别人不勤快?The rookie complained that the coach kept him mostly on the bench...
