
1. Front plate, top plate and front plate of base will be machined as a whole, and before machining, it should be scribed, marked and surveyed.


请高手帮忙确认把下面这句话翻译成英语的,不要翻译软件的啦,谢谢———————— 1.这个设备有发~

1. Is there any malfunction of the device?
2. I remember that you have conducted inspections during the operation, why haven't you identified the defect of this batch?


All the products have no problems.

#13829365347# 英语翻译还有,请帮忙把下面的句子也翻译成英文:1.夏天很热,冬天很冷,秋天很凉快,春天很温暖.2.你的书在哪儿?我的书在床上.3.TOM准备和他的姐姐... - ******
#宗奖#[答案] 1.Summer is hot,winter is cold,autumn is very cool,spring is very warm.2.Where is your book?It's on the bed.3.Tom is going to boat with his sister.4.I don't like English,because its too hard and I'm v...

#13829365347# 请帮忙翻译英语句子! - ******
#宗奖# 1.李华因为他们父亲的遗嘱而与他的哥哥发生了争吵.2.Judy躺在沙发上,成谜于她的书本中.

#13829365347# 请帮忙翻译一下句子成英文,十万火急!! - ******
#宗奖# The one 册 designs produces wastewater to VB and processes it mainly, so the hydrochloric acid which includes VB12 in the wastewater and is fermented in liquid, and has water mainly, and it's the high density to break it with a protein, an amino ...

#13829365347# 请帮忙翻译一下如下英文句子.houldneverwanttopa ******
#宗奖# 1、我从未想要在他那件双排扣长礼服上画任何东西. frock coat :双排扣常礼服 ;男子长礼服 2、我故意令自己陷入困境. 3、在我读预科的时候曾出现在一本杂志上,妈妈很高兴. 因为beside herself是固定用法. “失常,忘形,发狂”的意思. prep school=preparatory school:预科 4、她感觉好的差不多了,已经下床走动了. be up and about (vi.)是固定搭配,指“病后复原,起床走动 ” 5、他忽然想出了答案. hit upon固定搭配,“想出,找到,偶然发现 ”. e.g. hit upon a good idea: 忽然想到一个妙主意

#13829365347# 请帮忙翻译英文句子 - ******
#宗奖# We haven't contacted for a long time. Hope you are very well. I will be transferred to another project, and Ms. Laura will take over my present job. If you need any help, please kindly contact Laura directly. Hope your business gets better and better.

#13829365347# 请帮忙翻译一段英语句子 - ******
#宗奖# 这是A FAREWELL TO ARMS里面的句子吧 这些枪很轻,后坐力小而我们把绝大多数的子弹都打在了靶子的不知道什么地方.原句的意思是这帮志愿兵是不会打枪的......

#13829365347# 请帮忙翻译把下面这句话翻译成英文! ******
#宗奖# The goods will be send to your warehouse in the U.S.A. tommorrow. PS,enclosed please find the invoice and packing list,thank you!

#13829365347# 请帮忙翻译几句话~~(英文~~) - ******
#宗奖# 1, the age of China presses 12 Chinese Zodiac Signs to assign name to, like dog year, monkey year...etc..This year is a pig year. 2, Chinese New Year the people of the past want general cleaning and buy new dress for kid.The Lunar New Year's ...

#13829365347# 英语翻译请帮忙翻译以下语句……we are already friends and at first love is about feeling kindness sharing more than whatever you can imagine.the best thing ... - ******
#宗奖#[答案] 我们已经是朋友了.爱在最开始的时候是互相感知的仁慈,去分享你根本无法想象的一切.最重要的就是去爱,而我爱你. 大意如此,具体意境还待自己揣摩,

#13829365347# 英语翻译如下英语句子是我要求朋友发给我学习的,可是我看不懂,请帮忙翻译.翻译的中文请写上编号.1,the challenge is that American sayings and phrases ... - ******
#宗奖#[答案] (首先从你的只言片语上看,这个一篇关于如何学习英语的导读,但是基本都是书面英语,很像出自某些“学究”之口,应该是国内的.有点僵硬.) 标准答案: 1, the challenge is that American sayings and phrases don't translate well, or they don't ...

  • 请帮忙翻译以下英语句子。
  • 答:1.I require to write down the agreement in black and white.2.You conquered yourself whether you made it or not.3.I didn't mean to hurt you when I refered to that matter.4.Nowdays people can't but ...

  • 请帮忙翻译一下这两个句子,谢谢!(谢绝翻译器翻译!)
  • 答:成年的野生动物在觅食时会将它们的孩子们藏起一段时间。2.翻译成英文(请务必准确):您可以推荐一些适合我们学生阅读的英语书籍吗?Could you please recommend some English books suitable for us students to read?您在...

  • 请帮我翻译一下句子成英语,欢迎个位翻译高手发帖。
  • 答:当山峰没有棱角的时候It would be not until the mountain crumbled 当河水不再流 and Stream run dry 当时间停住日夜不分 and Time stood still and Days ceased recurring 当天地万物化为虚有 and Universe ...

  • 请把下列句子翻译成英文..谢了亲
  • 答:一个男人爱你,你是妻子;you are a wife when a man loves you 几个男人爱你,你是女人;you are a woman when a few men love you 几十个男人爱你,你是妖精,you are a witch when bunch of men love you ...

  • 请帮忙翻译几个英语句子。
  • 答:让我们一起骑自行车吧 5. Bike riding benefits me a lot and I suggest we ride bikes together.您好,原文翻译如上供参考,不明白可继续提问。若回答对您有所帮助,请点击本页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮,谢谢。

  • 请帮忙翻译一句英语,谢谢了
  • 答:do his bit 是固定词组:尽一份力量 toward在这里是:对于(某事)所以其实你断句错了~这句话的意思是:每个人都动手把食物摆在桌子上。参考资料:Each person did his bit toward getting the meal on the table...

  • 帮忙翻译几个句子,英语翻译为中文
  • 答:有时报道说,奇怪的物体已经看见高空中。这些不明飞行物体(不明飞行物)已经造成了很大的兴趣。一些报道,他们很难相信。一些已解释的科学方法。别人从来没有解释。It is sometimes reported that strange objects have been ...

  • 请翻译一下的句子。(中文翻译成英语)
  • 答:(4)John mentioned a few names of the judges which he didn't think highly of.(5)There's no doubt that the search for the lost relics will continue.(你是不是把no doubt打成了on doubt?)(6)The two ...

  • 急!请将下面句子翻译成英文
  • 答:to London after 2 years in an international bank to find a job 貌似语法不对,我承认我英语无能...5.Tom completed his teaching work, traveled in China for 2 months before returning home in America ...

  • 请把下面几个句子翻译成英语
  • 答:1.让他唱支英文歌。Let him sing an English song.2.精通一门外语并不容易。It's not easy to master a foreign language.3.他们正在看结婚照片。They're watching the marriage photographs.4.沿着大街有许多新建筑和...
