


您好:I am very glad to receive your letter. Here is my plan for the Sping Festival. I will go shopping with my parents to buy some food, vegetables and gifts. On Spring Festival Even, I am going to help my parents make the dumplings and cook delicious food. Then I will watch TV, play cards and set up the firework. I am going to visit my friends and relatives duing the Spring Festival. Of course I will viist the Temple Fair and take a short trip with my parents. I am sure I will have a good time.


#19442141541# 假设你是李华,你的美国笔友要来中国学习汉语,请你写封,陈述你建议!100英语一百字英语作文这是高中会考的英语作文! - ******
#何软#[答案] Dear Mary,I'm very glad that you'll come to China .I know it isn't easy to learn a foreign language, but I have some ideas that may help. Firstly, it's very important to listen to the teacher care...

#19442141541# 看看老外都喜欢中国的哪些成语,对于成语的 - ******
#何软# 不是说所有外国人都懂得成语,就好像也不是所有的中国人都会说英语一样啊.但是有很多外国朋友都喜欢中国的文化,不是已经开设“孔子学院”了嘛,这样可以更好的帮助外国朋友了解中国文化.但是对中国还是不是很了解的外国朋友能听懂成语的几率不大,不经汉语博大精深,有的生僻成语咱们中国人自己都不是很知道,更何况外外国朋友啦.

#19442141541# 高中英语作文 假如你是李华,你的外国笔友lisa最近读了中国古诗悯农,她对这首 - ******
#何软#[答案] 每个周五,此情此景必上演一次.每到这时,我都以频频点头和几句随意的应答对母亲的提问敷衍了事.母亲的周到和关心,在曾经的我看来,再平凡不过,也正是因为这一切都太过平凡,反而生出些许反感和不耐烦.然而我错了,后来我才发现我不仅...

#19442141541# 假设你是大明,你的美国笔友萨姆向你询问如何学好汉语,请你给他写一封信并提出你的建议.要求:70字左右.[用英文] - ******
#何软#[答案] 首先要了解中华汉字的来历,然后准确地读出每一个汉字.再了解一下中国的历史文化.

#19442141541# 中国成语故事的英语小作文 - ******
#何软# 东施效颦 In the Spring and Autumn Period (春秋时期,770-476 BC), there was a beauty in the State of Yue called Xishi (西施).传说春秋时期,越国有一美女,名唤西施.7a64e4b893e5b19e31333335326233 She often suffered from pains ...

#19442141541# 英语材料作文,假如你叫李华,你和外国笔友彼得都是文学爱好者,最近,他发来电子邮件,询问你最喜欢的一首 - ******
#何软# 范文: Dear Peter, 亲爱的彼得, I have heard from you. I am very happy to know that you are very well recently. As you know, both of us are keen on literature and poems. My farourite poems is named Snow which was written by our former leader . ...

#19442141541# 假如我是李华,写信给美国的笔友Jack,他对中国春节很感兴趣,我要介绍给他!英语作文! - ******
#何软#[答案] Dear Jack,I'm very glad that you are interested in the Spring Festival In China,and I'd like to introduce something about it to you.Falling on the first day of the first month of the Chinese lunar cal...

#19442141541# 英语作文:你的外国笔友Tom发邮件给你,请你介绍中秋节提示:1在中国,中秋是家人团聚的节日2中秋节通常在9月或者10月到来3商店里有很多种月饼4晚... - ******
#何软#[答案] In China,on Mid-Autumn Festival,people always come together. Mid-Autumn Festival often comes on September or October. There are many moon cakes in the shop. In the night,people like to eat moon cakes ,watch the moon,talk about Changer.

#19442141541# 英语作文 外国笔友问怎样学好汉语 - ******
#何软# 第一,我们要明确的一点是:想学好汉语,并不是一朝一夕的事,而是需要长期的积累和实践.所以说想靠一两个月的突击来学好汉语是很难见效的.第二,学习汉语,入门阶段十分重要.不少留学生拼音没学了几天,就急着赶进度,以为...

#19442141541# 假如你有一个美国的笔友John(初一英语作文)根据汉语提示完成短文.假如你有一个美国的笔友叫John,他经常用电脑做作业,还经常发电子邮件.他喜欢... - ******
#何软#[答案] i have an American pen friend whose name is Jonn,we chat with each other through the Internet.He usually does his ... hobby is chatting on the internet,but he never plays computer games.sometimes he also listenS to some music. he thinks China is a ...

  • 英语作文。如果你是李华,你的一位美国笔友即将到中国学习汉语
  • 答:As the captain of China,Beijing has been the most popular city of china。So more and more people want to visit Beijing.I think the best time to visit Beijing is spring ,for the weather of that time is...

  • 急求一篇 外国人对中国人看法 的英语作文!!!
  • 答:第三,很富有,买得起好多奢侈品。事实上,许多老外很着迷于中国人的既谦虚又骄傲的性格。希望我们做的更好在全球舞台上留下积极印象。不认识的单词对照翻译基本就明白了。英语作文除了套句型,就是写提纲。

  • 英语作文:假如你是李华,你的英语笔友ken发来一封电子邮件,向你诉说他在...
  • 答:例如,你可以从你喜欢的中文歌曲中学习中文。此外,你可以看到中国动画片或动作。最后但并非最不重要的是,如果你对汉语学习有任何疑问,欢迎给我发电子邮件。我祝愿你在汉语学习方面取得巨大进步。

  • 英语作文:假定你是李华,你的笔友Tim的弟弟很喜欢中国的西游记,想请你对...
  • 答:“Journey to the West” is considered one of four great classical Chinese books (chinese characters: 中国古典小说,pinyin:Zhōngguó gǔdiǎn xiǎoshuō ) written during the Ming Dynasty (1368 -1644). It ...

  • 请你为你的英国笔友介绍一本中国的书籍,英语作文
  • 答:Journey to the West is one of the Four Great Classical Novels of Chinese literatures.It is written in 16th century Ming dynasty.It tells a story about a Buddhist monk and his three students who are animals...

  • 有关外国笔友的英语作文怎么写?
  • 答:以下两篇,参考一下 1. My pen pal is an outstanding person.我的笔友是一个出色的人。She's from China Shanghai. 她来自上海。She is 14 years old.她今年14岁。She speak English very well. 她英语说的很好...

  • 帮助一个外国友人在中国交朋友,学中文等英语作文
  • 答:how to learn chinese for foreigners There are more people to learn chinese at present . but they always think it is difficult to learn it . Especially they dislike to remember characters by heart . I always...

  • 英语作文 假如你是李华,刚交了一位美国笔友Emily,她想请你介绍一下中 ...
  • 答:Dear Emily,I'm glad to learn that you're interested in China. I'm more than happy to introduce you more of China.China, being one of the four ancient civilizations, has a long history and therefore ...

  • 写给笔友的英语作文
  • 答:写给笔友的英语作文 Dear Tom, 亲爱的汤姆 My name is Li Ming. 我的名字是李明。 I live in Beijing,China. 我住在中国北京。 And I want a pen pal in England. 我想交一个英国的笔友 I think England ...

  • 王鑫的美国笔友Victor对中国的传统节日很感兴趣,请结合本话题所学内容...
  • 答:Dear Victor:How are you recently?I'm glad you're interested in Chinese traditional festivals.Now i'm going to tell you how we celebrate the Mis-Autumn Festival in China.The Mid-Autumn is a very important...
