
英文:I want money .

英 [wɒnt] 美 [wɑ:nt]
v. 想要; 希望; 打算; 需要…在场;
n. 需要的东西; 缺少; 贫穷;
[例句]I want to say how really delighted I am that you're
having a baby.

英 [ˈmʌni] 美 [ˈmʌni]
n. 钱; 款项; 财富; 薪水;
[例句]A lot of the money that you pay at the cinema goes back to the
film distributors.

I want to have much money



英 [həv] 美 [hæv]
aux. 用以构成完成式及完成式的不定式,表示已经…;
vt. 有,具有; 拿,取得; 从事; 必须,不得不;
n. 〈口〉有产者,有钱人; 富国; 〈英俚〉欺骗,诈骗;
1、Will we have time to go there?
2、I have as much gold as silver.
3、I tell myself I must have faith.
4、I have not much to show you.
5、Alex has already gone
第三人称单数:has 现在分词:having 过去式:had 过去分词:had

#15662166809# 1.我相向你借钱,所以我留了一张纸条给你,写着 :SEND + MORE = MONEY 每个英文字母都有着它们的代表数目(从0到9),而MONEY则是我想要的数... - ******
#沃物#[答案] ((1)SEND + MORE = MONEY SEND + MORE ---------- = MONEY ==>9457+1084=10541; 9457 +1084 ----------- =10541; (2)设n 年后,FB>FA;(并假设A和B都是在年初存入银行) n年后A的本利和FA=30(1+4%)^n; n年后B的本利和FB=5[(1+4%)^n-1]/...

#15662166809# 我没有足够的钱去买我想要的东西 用英语怎么说? - ******
#沃物# I don't have enough money to buy what I want

#15662166809# 我想要挣许多的钱去让我的家人过一个更好的生活.翻译成英文 - ******
#沃物#[答案] I want to make more money to let my families have a better life

#15662166809# "你想要多少报酬"或者"我需要付你多少钱" 英文怎么说? - ******
#沃物# 楼上的混蛋用机器翻译糊弄人,这么一句话都用机器,你要脸不要!争取答案:How much extra do you want (或者like) me to pay you?How much is the extra payment for this service?How much do you want for this extra service?How much more ...

#15662166809# “告诉我那需要多少钱”用英语怎么说 - ******
#沃物# “告诉我那需要多少钱”翻译:"Tell me the how much money"tell 英[tel] 美[tel]money 英['mʌni] 美['mʌni]

#15662166809# 我要做有钱人 英文怎么写我很想知道还有没有另一种写法! - ******
#沃物#[答案] I wanna be a richmen.(我想做有钱人) I would like to become a richmen.(我要成为一位有钱人.) I would like to make a lot of money.(我要赚很多钱.)

#15662166809# 英语翻译"我想要买一些东西!" 翻译成英语怎么说?语法一定要正确哦,最好是常用的语句. - ******
#沃物#[答案] I want to buy something. I would like to buy something. I would like to make some purchases.

#15662166809# 英语翻译 我喜欢钱,因为它可以买很多很多自己想要的东西.我们随时就可以在爸妈那里得到它. - ******
#沃物# I love money,because you can buy a lot of things that I want with it.We can get it from our parents at any time.

#15662166809# 1.我想吃中餐!英语怎么说还有:2.我想喝一杯果汁!英语怎么说3.我需要一点钱打电话!英语怎么说? - ******
#沃物#[答案] 1.I want to eat Chinese food! 2.I want to drink a cup of fruit juice! 3.I need a little money to phone!

#15662166809# 请问这句话英语怎么说?我不认为钱是万能的,因为我想要的东西它买不到.(请表用翻译器. - ******
#沃物#[答案] I don't think money is available in everywhere, because it can't buy the things (that) I realy want.

  • 我要做有钱人 英文怎么写 我很想知道还有没有另一种写法!
  • 答:I wanna be a richmen.(我想做有钱人)I would like to become a richmen.(我要成为一位有钱人.)I would like to make a lot of money.(我要赚很多钱.)

  • 英语我要取些钱?怎么说?到银行柜台上。
  • 答:I would like to withdraw some money from my account.withdraw 是最正规的说法,意思是取出存款。一般是需要填一张小的表格,即取款单,提款单,英文是:withdrawal slip 但是如果你觉得withdraw太难说了,那美语口语也可以...

  • 我要赚很多很多钱用英语怎么说
  • 答:I want to make a lot of money.

  • 我们需要什么?英语不应该是用现在进行时表达吗?怎么用一般现在时???
  • 答:"我们需要什么?"在英文的表达是"What do we need?"这是一般现在时,表示'现在我们需要什么',如果用现在进行时的表达是"What are we needing?",这种表达在语法上是没有错的,但是不符合我们的常规表达,need需要,这里...

  • “要”的英语怎么说?
  • 答:需要用英语表示为:need,need英式发音为[ni:d],美式发音[nid]。意思是:vt.需要;必须。aux.必须;不得不。n.需要;需要的东西;责任;贫穷。vi.(表示应该或不得不做);有必要。

  • 我希望自己有许多钱用英语怎么翻译?
  • 答:Today I will talk about: I hope oneself have a lot of money Someone ask me: why do you want to have a lot of money? You want so much money? I frankly told him: "everyone wants to be very rich,...

  • 想要的英文是什么?
  • 答:表示想要的英文单词有want、wish与intend。以下是这三个单词的释义:一、want 英 [wɒnt] 美 [wɑːnt]v. 要;想要;通缉 n. 缺乏;贫穷;需求品 二、wish 英 [wɪʃ]  美 [w&#...

  • 我想要找找我的钱包的英文翻译 I ()()()()() my wallet
  • 答:would like to look for

  • 我只喜欢钱! 英文怎么说 谢谢
  • 答:I only love money
