请把下面中文翻绛成英文.凤鹅.话梅子排.五香牛肚 .糟鸭舌.干缸豆鸭肫.糖藕.卤鸭脚. .卤鸭膀 银丝菜 .香嘛

Goose. words of spiced plum row. Duck tongue tripe. dry bean yazhun. sugar louts. halogen duck feet. -Halogen silver dish Duck thighs. fragrant!


牛肚黑色怎么清洗干净 怎么清洗牛肚黑色东西
牛肚黑色怎么清洗干净 怎么清洗牛肚黑色东西
牛肚黑色怎么清洗干净 怎么清洗牛肚黑色东西
3、或者水焯一下.就是将肉放进烧开的水中.等到肉稍微变色,或者血沫出来了,再拿出锅.姜20克,葱20克 姜切片,用刀背剁碎,葱切段。 把姜碎和葱段放到小盆里,倒入200cc的水。 用手揉啊揉啊,直到葱姜汁浸入水中。 滤去姜和葱。剩下的就是姜葱水。
5、准备一锅卤汁 (你可以依照自己的喜好口味来调制),将煮好的牛肚放入煮滚的卤汁,再煮滚只后,浸泡1小时入味,再取出放凉
6、先用清水把牛肚表面污垢、粘膜洗一下放入盆中,加入 食盐100克玉米面100克 食醋30克搓洗15分钟后冲洗2遍,锅中烧开水放入洗好的牛肚焯水,捞出用清水冲洗一下就可以煮了。经过上述加工后牛肚就干净无异味了。


#18768938445# 请人把下面的中文翻译成英语. - ******
#离盾# One afternoon last year. A person at home,he is very lonely, then go buy a watermelon. A community that is at the entrance has three small traders watermelon push small dray is selling melons. I went over to help. Just an old lady walked up to the ...

#18768938445# 请把下面汉语译成英语?(全文) ******
#离盾#The rescue team found her, she was dead, is down by the landslide crushed the house through a pile of rubble that the gap can see the death of her position, Shuangxiguizhe, the entire upper body forward Pu Fuzhao , Pulled out his hands to support ...

#18768938445# 把下面的中文翻译成英文 ******
#离盾# 1We are attending the National Day 2 of my favorite food is rice dumplings 3 I have some work to do 4 he has no money (2) 5 Do you have paper you 6 I can ask you some questions you 7 I have to do homework at midnight 8 We all love to see a lion ...

#18768938445# 请把下面的中文翻译成英文 ******
#离盾# In the future people's lives better, everyone has a video on television. Do not go see a doctor will be able to buy things, the children can receive education at home through the computer. People will have robots to help do the housework, some people might go the moon resort, and this is our future life.

#18768938445# 请把下面中文翻译成英文.尽快.谢谢 ******
#离盾# At first exposure to English in junior high school, entered the first form started to learn English, just started learning English is difficult to find during that time, wanted to escape, and later taught at the teacher and help became interested in English, ...

#18768938445# 将下面汉语翻译成英语 ******
#离盾# In this way contribute to good health, helps to develop good habits, thereby facilitating learning progress and growth in life, learn more cultural and scientific knowledge. Also, you can get more of a chance to do what we have done things, growth ...

#18768938445# 谁能帮我把下面中文翻译成英文 ******
#离盾# Also today, sleep well, in the car when you go read your silhouette, I think a lot in the car until the train was felt a trace of sadness, fear send text messages to give you your wake, and the so sad after one day, feeling that over the past two days in your ...

#18768938445# 请把下面英语短文译成汉语.Good morning,ladies and gentlemen,I'm very glad to make a speech here.Today my topic is “I love you,China.”Since the day ... - ******
#离盾#[答案] Good morning,ladies and gentlemen,I'm very glad to make a speech here.Today my topic is “I love you,China.” 女士们先... 当出生的时候我就有了一个令人骄傲的名字--中国人.当我学会说话时,我学过最动听的一句话莫过于"我爱你,中国" I love...

#18768938445# 请将下面两段话分别翻译成中文和英文,谢谢. ******
#离盾# The paper introduces the basic morphological characteristics and floor lamp, floor lamp category, the development trend of the floor lamp of a detailed analysis of environment and use of floor lamp, the use of functional and adornment sex in the use ...

#18768938445# 请英语高手帮我把下面的英文翻译成中文,急,一定要准哦!谢谢各位了!"Oh,Mummy,"said Nike"He's very sad. Can l have him?lt's my birthday tomorrow... - ******
#离盾#[答案] “噢,妈妈”耐克说到,“他很伤心,我可以拥有他吗?明天是我的生日”“问问你爸爸把”妈妈说

  • 请帮忙将一段中文翻译成英文,急!高分!
  • 答:刑法对严重的交通肇事行为确认为犯罪,对行为人进行刑事处罚。但是在现实中,对交通肇事涉嫌犯罪的初步认定依赖于对人员伤亡、财产损失以及事故责任的认定。而这些因素对犯罪嫌疑人的定罪与量刑具有决定性的意义。同时,在对交通...

  • 请帮忙把以下中文翻译成英文
  • 答:Dear, no matter how sad you are, at least you have around me, I also would like to share with you and all your troubles. I know how bad before I often let you sad, you are worried about, you cry...

  • ...不能用电脑软件翻译。请把中文翻译成英文,可以有新词,允许适当删减...
  • 答:所以,同学们,要有长远的目光,设定好自己将来的目标,并为之努力奋斗。千万不要沉浸在短暂的成功之中,要知道人外有人,天外有天,井外有更大的一片天空!So, students, and have long-term vision, set their own ...

  • 请大家帮我翻译一些句子,把中文翻译成英文
  • 答:1.We must keep quiet in the reading room.2.He drives his daughter to school every day.3.We have decided that the Games postponed to next Friday.4.Internet is very important in our life....

  • 请帮我把一段中文翻译成英文,非常感谢,一定要百分之百正确,谢谢_百度...
  • 答:It is obvious that I will the take the College English Test 4 in June, but it is difficult for me to give the opportunity in front of my eyes, so I will still hand in my application table....

  • 请帮忙把以下中文翻译成英文:(要四年级水平的)
  • 答:Hello!My name is Amy.I am a girl.I am a ten years old.Icome from China.I live in Taigu.I am a lovely and lively girl.My favorite food are bananas.I don't like hot chocolate and coke.My favorite...

  • 请大侠们帮我把以下的两段中文翻译成英文:
  • 答:1. The financial crisis, makes the expansion of the rural consumer market and promote steady growth of the domestic economy is very important. Consumption in Rural China small-scale, low levels of consumption. ...

  • 请翻译成英文,谢谢!
  • 答:我认为的健康食物有蔬菜、水果、小麦、鱼、牛奶和鸡蛋,它们为我提供能量,维生素、钙,能使我的身体更健康。我认为不健康的食物有汉堡、薯条、可乐、蛋糕、冰激凌,它们含有大量的脂肪、油和糖会使我的身体发胖和损坏我的...

  • 帮忙把下面的几句话翻译成英文
  • 答:than what they heard.5.如果你想给人留下好印象,其诀窍在于始终如一的保持自我,你最佳的自我。To be yourself, the best you, is the way to impress others a great image of yourself.好辛苦啊...给分吧....

  • 谁可以帮我把下面一段中文翻译成英文的 谢谢了
  • 答:I will quietly smile 因为有你的陪伴在身边 Because there's you by the side 流泻在你身上的绚烂晨曦 The flourishing morning glow on your body 请就此将我俩轻轻包围 Please surround us with it from now on ...
