成功是一次次失败积累来的 英文翻译

Success comes from accumulation of each failure.

Success is repeatedly failed accumulation to


他的成功是失败积累起来的 用英语怎么说~

His success is a failure of accumulated,祝您愉快,加油!!!

After experiencing many times of failure and success/
Experienced a lots of failure and success/
Passing through failure and success many times/
*Getting through failure and success again and again/
*Dealing with the hard time of success and failure alternately

#19628299407# 英语翻译我会在挫折中总结经验、吸取教训,为下一次成功积累经验;还要从别人的成功和失败的经验中吸取经验,避免自己走不必要的弯路;寻求周围朋... - ******
#伏莫#[答案] I'll summarize the experience not only from setbacks in order to learn the lessons and accumulate the experience for next success,but from others' success and failure so as to avoid the unnecessary ef...

#19628299407# 英语翻译1这是一次愉快的经历.2他在这么一个雨夜突然出现,让我觉得很惊讶.3成功来自许多次的失败.4他不可能是自己单独完成的作业.5你没有必要来.6他... - ******
#伏莫#[答案] 1这是一次愉快的经历. t his is a happy experience. 2他在这么一个雨夜突然 出现,让我觉得很惊讶. that he appear suddenly in a rainy night maks me surprised. 3成功来自许多次的失败. success is come form man...

#19628299407# "失败是成功之母“用英语怎麽说? - ******
#伏莫# 用英语说“失败乃成功之母”怎么说?1.Failure is the mother of success 2.Failure teaches success. 3.That is what is meant by"failure is the mother of success(”失败是成功之母”就是这个意思)

#19628299407# 谁能告诉我“每一次失败都是成功的开始.”的英文翻译是什么呀? - ******
#伏莫# Every failure means the start to success.

#19628299407# 失败是成功之母"用英语怎么说? ******
#伏莫# succes comes from failure .

#19628299407# 失败亲身经历然后成功英语作文 - ******
#伏莫# 成功是努力的结晶,但当我们站在成功的领奖台上回首这条努力的路时,不得不说一声:“失败,谢谢你!” 在失败中,我们汲取了经验.一个人的一生,免不了坎坷辛苦.但他是怎样卖过来的呢?是用经验,用过去积累的经验,用拿失败换...

#19628299407# '失败是成功的垫脚石',用英语怎么翻译? - ******
#伏莫# failure is the mother of success失败乃成功之母 意思差不多

#19628299407# 失败是成功之母.翻译成英语 ******
#伏莫# The defeat is mother of the success

#19628299407# 失败是成功之母英语怎么说 - ******
#伏莫# Failure is the mother of the success

#19628299407# "成功不是偶然的,失败不是必然的."翻译成英语 - ******
#伏莫# Success is not coincidence, failure is not certainty.
