
Let's make efforts together.

Let us work hard together.
Let us make efforts together.

Let's work together!


Let's combine our efforts.

Let's coordinate our efforts.

Let's make a concerted effort!

Suppose we dine together.
Let's sing together.
Let us rejoice together on this great occasion.
Let's think this out together.There must be a way to solve this.
Let's get together for lunch.
Let's take things a step at a time.You know what they say.If you run after two hares you will catch neither.
Let's make a night of it.
Forget,forgive,for who may say that Christmas day may ever come to host or guest again.Touch hands!
We made a concerted effort to solve the problem.
Let's start the dance again,all at one time.

#13073626342# 英语翻译:让我们携起手来共同努力,为我们的生活环境出自己的一份力 - ******
#蔺姣#[答案] Let's be hand in hand and make efforts together ,for our living environment .

#13073626342# 为了我们的未来,让我们一起努力吧!用英语怎么说用英语翻译”为了我们的未来,让我们一起努力吧!” - ******
#蔺姣#[答案] Lets try hard for our future.

#13073626342# 让我们共同努力,考上一个理想的高中用英语怎么说? - ******
#蔺姣# Let us work hard together so that we can go to the ideal high school

#13073626342# 节约资源,保护地球,有益于每个人,让我们共同努力! 翻成英语怎么说? - ******
#蔺姣# 节约资源,保护地球,有益于每个人,让我们共同努力! nurse resources, protect the earth,be beneficial to everyone,let's coordinate our efforts

#13073626342# 让我们在接下来的日子里共同努力吧!用英语怎么说? ******
#蔺姣# let's make efforts together in the following days

#13073626342# 让我们一起努力,为四川加油!为中国加油!为中国奥运加油!怎么译成英文的让我们一起努力,为四川加油!为中国加油!为中国奥运加油!这句话译成英... - ******
#蔺姣#[答案] Let's hold our hands together to cheer for Sichuan,cheer for China,cheer for the Olympic Game!

#13073626342# 让我们一起加油的英文说法 - ******
#蔺姣# Let's try together!楼主的句子事实上就是让我们一起努力的意思,这么翻译简单又地道,意思很贴切.

#13073626342# "让我们共同努力构造和谐社会"翻译成英文!谢谢! ******
#蔺姣# Let us try our best together to construct a harmonious society!

#13073626342# 英语翻译让我们一起学习技术,共同努力,共同面对,共同度过,因为我们是一个团结的家族!(团队名)是我们共同的家!让我们共同创造美好的家园!... - ******
#蔺姣#[答案] Let us learn techniques together! We can stay together and face all difficulties! (TEAM) is our common home! Let us work together to create a better home and make it stronger, bigger and richer!

#13073626342# 大家一起努力用英语怎么说 - ******
#蔺姣# Everyone works hard together.Let us all work together.例句:只要大家一起努力,各尽所能,那么我们就一定会走进期盼的未来!As long as everyone works hard together, as long as each individual does theirutmost, then we can certainly walk into ...

  • 英语翻译:让我们携起手来共同努力,为我们的生活环境出自己的一份力
  • 答:Let's be hand in hand and make efforts together ,for our living environment .

  • 帮忙翻译成英文 在线等
  • 答:没问题.我们工厂不管定单大小都一视同仁.如果你有什么不懂的,我可以帮助你,让我们共同努力.No problem. Our factory treats all the units the same way, no matter they are big or samll. If you have any ...

  • 努力的英文
  • 答:努力的英文是strive。strive 英 [straɪv]美 [straɪv]努力

  • 努力 英文翻译
  • 答:释义:n. 努力;成就 短语搭配:in an effort to 企图(努力想);试图要 great effort 巨大努力 make every effort 尽一切努力 spare no effort 不遗余力;抽出;宽容;节省 joint effort 共同努力 make an effort 努力...

  • 我们一起加油。翻译为英文
  • 答:我们一起加油翻译为英文是: Let us refuel.或 Let us togethe .例句:1、让我们一起为奥运健儿加油吧!Let us together for the Olympic athletes refueling!2、“为了地球的微笑”,让我们一起加油!"For the smile ...

  • “共同努力,打造和谐家园”翻译成英文
  • 答:这句话翻译得没有问题。这句应该是:Let's work together to create a harmonious home.加上了let's,就变成完整句子了。第二,家园,这里home用得很好。世界是我们的大家园。The world is everyone's home. 这里的家园...

  • ‘希望我们能够一起努力学习’用英语怎么翻译
  • 答:希望我们能够一起努力学习翻译成英语是I hope we can study hard together.英式读法是[aɪ] [həʊp] [wi] [kæn] ['stʌdi] [hɑːd] [tə'ɡeðə(r)]...

  • 共同努力英语
  • 答:I'm very glad working with you.The task we received is very important.Hoping that we can overcome the difficulties and do a good job in our common efforts.At the same time,we should keep timely ...

  • 努力的英文意思是
  • 答:还可以免费获得一次英语能力水平测试和一份详细的报告,以及公开课免费看。阿卡索是在线一对一教学,有固定外教的机构,可以让学员天天在家留学一样跟外教学英语,学习过程分级考试,并发相应证书,且价格亲民,一年学费才几千块...

  • ...1. 这样就会造成不必要的浪费 2.只要我们共同努力
  • 答:1. This will cause unnecessary waste 2. As long as we work together 很高兴为您解答,祝你学习进步!【语数英科】团队为您答题。有不明白的可以追问!如果您认可我的回答。请点击下面的【选为满意回答】按钮,谢谢!
