
Tell me how much that will cost.
Let me know how much that is.

Tell me how much it takes

Can you tell me how much about that?

Tell me how much it will cost.

Tell me how much it costs ?

英语作文 你怎样学习英语~

How do want to Learn English?

Some people think that if we want to learn English well we must learn English grammar well first of all. Others believe we can‘t learn English well unless we keep in mind as many English words and phrases as possible.

In my opinion, grammar rules, new words and phrases are very important, but they are not enough. Fox example, some of my classmates are quite good at grammar and have learned by heart a lot of English words and phrases, yet they can‘t express themselves in English when they meet foreign friends.

The best way to learn English well, I think, is to learn and use English all the time. Don‘t be afraid of being laughed at. We‘d better do a lot of listening, speaking, reading and writing. If you can form the habit of thinking and writing in English all day, you are sure to grasp the spirit of English and will be able to read works in English within a short period of time.

Only in this way that I suggest, can we learn English well. So I think this is the best way.

Nowadays,English is becoming more and more important . There are many different ways to learn English well. For example, these are my ways to study English. First,we have to make a hard decision to study English well and never give it up. Second we must do all the homework that the teachers told us on time. Third, we should read some English books and buy some exercise books to study. Then, we can ask our classmates or teachers when we come across some hard problems. Don't be afraid of making mistakes. Finally, we must stick these everyday.

There is no doubt that English is one of the world's most widely used languages. People use a language in one of three ways: as a native language, as a second language, or as a foreign languge. English is spoken as a native language by over three handred million people in the United States, Britain, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, some caribbean countries and South Africa. As a second language, English is often necessary for official business, education, information and other activities in many countries, it is one of the few "working" languages of the United Nations.
It is said that English has become the language of international trade and transport. Most pilots in planes travelling from one country to another use it to talk with airports. All ships sailing on the oceans call for help by radio in it. It has been said that 60 percent of the world's radio broad casts and 70 percent of the world's mail uses English. At international sports meets, and international of scientists English is the language most commonly used and the most widely used.
English has in fact become the language of international cooperation is science and technology. The most advanced resuits in space, nuclear and computer research are published in it. A scientist who speaks and writes English is in closer touch with the scientists in other countries than one who doesn't.

#15814964681# 我也没钱英语怎么说 - ******
#沈知# 问题一:我一点钱也没有了用英语怎么说 I have no money.(最通俗的说法) I have no cash.(没现金的时候说,很地道) I`m low on cash.(同上) I`m short these days.(我这几天手头很紧,就是没钱) I`m running low myself.(我口袋空的啦) ...

#15814964681# 运费需要多少钱用英语怎么说 - ******
#沈知# 运费需要多少钱用英语怎么说 How much is the freight?How do you charge frieight?运费: freight

#15814964681# (我要钱)英语怎么写 ******
#沈知# I want moneyI had no choice. I need money badly. 我急需要钱,我没有其他选择.

#15814964681# "你想要多少报酬"或者"我需要付你多少钱" 英文怎么说? - ******
#沈知# 楼上的混蛋用机器翻译糊弄人,这么一句话都用机器,你要脸不要!争取答案:How much extra do you want (或者like) me to pay you?How much is the extra payment for this service?How much do you want for this extra service?How much more ...

#15814964681# 那你愿意给我多少钱呢的英文 - ******
#沈知# how much would you like to give to me?亲,请采纳,谢谢!~~

#15814964681# 我需要一些钱.用英文怎麽说? - ******
#沈知# i need some money. i'm in need of money. i'm in want of money. all i need is money.(我所需要的就是一些钱)

#15814964681# 英语翻译:我得问问他,才知道你需要付多少钱 - ******
#沈知# 我得问问他,才知道你需要付多少钱 I need to ask him to find out how much money you have to pay. =]

#15814964681# 帮帮我,谢谢你了...英语问题!!!!! - ******
#沈知# But now the reason why i am not so happy. It is your request for money. You know i help you whenever i can. But now i have some problems. I had to pay some unexpected bills. Than unfortunately last week my boss told me the economic situation of ...

#15814964681# 我希望自己有许多钱用英语怎么翻译? - ******
#沈知# Today I will talk about: I hope oneself have a lot of moneySomeone ask me: why do you want to have a lot of money? You want so much money? I frankly told him: "ev...

#15814964681# 去澳大利亚墨尔本旅游要多少钱?我想去那旅游谁能告诉我大概要带多少 ******
#沈知# 英语13000左右

  • “告诉我那需要多少钱”用英语怎么说
  • 答:“告诉我那需要多少钱”翻译:"Tell me the how much money"tell 英 [tel]  美 [tel]money 英 ['mʌni]  美 ['mʌni]
