
Hello, my name is XXX
Hello,I'm XXX



My name is XXX

My name is .. and twenty-one years old, hello

#15285894838# 英语怎么写你好?你好,我叫迈克.格林英语怎么写 ******
#巫怜# Hello. I am Mike Green.

#15285894838# 你好,我叫马蕊,今年.25岁了,用英语怎么写? - ******
#巫怜# Hello,My name is Ma Rui and I'm 25 years old now.

#15285894838# 你好我叫韩阿才的英语该怎么写 - ******
#巫怜# Han Acai 这就是你的名字的标准英文写法.

#15285894838# 自我介绍英文翻译你好,我叫**,你也可以叫我英文名***,今年我*岁了,我是一个阳光、快乐的小女生,我喜欢下棋、看书、演讲,我的妈妈是位数学老师,... - ******
#巫怜#[答案] Hello, my name is * *, you can call me English name * * *, I am * years old this year, I'm a sunshine, happy little girl, I like playing chess, reading a book, speech, and my mother is a math teacher,...

#15285894838# 你好,我叫陈嘉仪,这句话用英语表达怎么写 - ******
#巫怜# How do you do? My name is Chengjiayi 如不明白请追问,如果满意请【采纳】 祝学习进步

#15285894838# 你好,我叫曹佳庆,今年12岁.我是个女孩.爱吃苹果.饭量不大.没有. 上面这句话用英语怎么写? - ******
#巫怜# 你好,我叫曹佳庆,今年12岁.我是个女孩.爱吃苹果.饭量不大.没有. 这句话用英语写是:Hello, my name is Cao Jiaqing.I am 12 years old.I am a girl. I love apples. There is not much appetite. No.

#15285894838# 英语翻译我叫某某,我是一个八年级的学生.我喜欢学习,也喜欢我的每一个学科.我喜欢蓝色.它是天空的颜色.我无聊事会抬头看看天空,把白色的云朵想象... - ******
#巫怜#[答案] 大家好,我叫某某,我是一个八年级的学生. Hello, my name is XXX. I am a eighth-grade students. 我喜欢学习,也喜欢我的每一个学科. I like studying, also like each of my subjects. 我喜欢蓝色. I like blue. 它是天空的颜色. It is the color of the sky. 我无聊...

#15285894838# 一个英语自我介绍 翻译 你好,我叫**,你可以叫我丽莎,今年20岁,是一名酒店管理专业学生,我是 - ******
#巫怜# Hello, my name is XX, you can call me Lisa, this year 20 years old, is a hotel management specialized student, I am a cheerful and generous, honest girl, I like singing, watching movies, reading novels, love to play with her friends to chat, usually at ...

#15285894838# 用英语翻译:你好,我的名字叫XX,见到你们很开心,我今年12岁了,我的生日是十月九号,我喜欢蓝色, - ******
#巫怜# Hi,I'm called XX,its glad to see you,im 12 years old this year,my birthday is October 9th, i love blue,look,i wear in blue today,i like playing table tennis and music as well,and i have a family which loves very much,i wish every body could support and love me,and now I'll read a text for you

#15285894838# 请叫我某某用英语怎么说? ******
#巫怜# 你可以用最简单的my name is . . . ,也可以用you can call me . . .一般是不用please call me . . . 这样说很不礼貌的,很唐突啊

  • 你好我叫侯皓涵今年12岁我来自安徽省合肥用英语怎么写?
  • 答:你好我叫侯皓涵今年12岁我来自安徽省合肥 Hello, my name is Hou Haohan. I'm 12 years old. I'm from Hefei, Anhui Province

  • 用英语的,大家好我叫陈汉霖怎么说?
  • 答:大家好我叫陈汉霖,用英语这样说:Hello!everyone!my name is Chen Hanlin.嗨!大家好!我的名字是陈汉霖。everyone[ˈevrɪˌwʌn] 大家,每个人。my name is…… 我的名字是……...

  • 你好我叫迈克我有一个好朋友叫杨洋,想知道我们怎么上学的吗,用英语怎...
  • 答:你好,我叫麦克,我有一个好朋友叫杨洋,想知道我们怎么上学的吗?Hello, I'm Mike. Have a good friend called Yang Yang. Do you want to know how we go to school? [最后一句是宾语从句]

  • 你好的英语字母怎么写
  • 答:写法:Hello hello,英 [hə'ləʊ] 美 [həˈloʊ]int.打招呼;哈喽,喂;你好,您好;表示问候 n.“喂”的招呼声或问候声 vi.喊“喂”例句:1、My sister says hello to you...

  • 大家好,我叫唐蕊,我来自中国用英语怎么说?
  • 答:你好!你所给的句子可以用英语表达为下面这样——Hello ,everyone!My name is Tang Rui.I am from China.or Hello,everybody!I am Tang Rui and I come from China.

  • 我叫某某某,用英语怎么说(语音)
  • 答:我叫某某某 My name is XXX

  • ...英语值日报告,请照我说的翻译:大家好,我叫某某,今天星期五,是9月...
  • 答:hello,i am XX. today is friday ,september the 27th. i am now quite a bit different from before. i had short hair before but now have long hair. i was kind of short but grow much taller now. my ...

  • 酒店应聘英语自我介绍(急) 你好,我叫某某某,来自浙江诸暨。毕业于诸暨职...
  • 答:你好,很高兴为你解答 翻译如下:Hello, my name is XXX, from Zhuji, Zhejiang Province. Graduated from Zhuji Vocational School of hotel management major. A job is Xiangsheng century hotel front desk, from the ...

  • 我叫吴斌斌,用英语怎么说?
  • 答:你好,我是吴斌斌用英语说为Hello, I am Wu Binbin.吴斌斌,人名,英语:Wu Binbin,斌在字典中的意思是:构词成分,组成词语“斌斌”同“彬彬”,也就是文雅的意思,翻译成英文可以用elegant或是用refined或是用suave。

  • “大家好,我叫某某某,我今年十二岁,我的爱好是唱歌,我很高兴来到这个班...
  • 答:“大家好,我叫某某某,我今年十二岁,我的爱好是唱歌,我很高兴来到这个班级”用英语说是Hello, everyone, my name is xx, I am twelve years old, my hobby is singing, I am very happy to come to this class...
