他还没有还我钱 英语怎么说?

He hasn't paid me back yet.

He hasn't paid back the money to me.

2.其实你一定要用 pay the money back这样的顺序也可以,不过这句话就要这样说——
He hasn't paid the money back to me. 不论如何后面介词要用to 不过这样搭配会比较奇怪。

pay back the money
pay the money back


he has not paid the money back .

He hasn't paid the money back to me yet.

pay the money back



这句话英语这样说:He has not paid me yet

He has yet to return my money.
When are you going to return my money?
What time do you, return to me 500 bucks?
You'd better to pay as soon as possible, otherwise we don't mention it to you.
He owes me money has been a long time.
If you need money, I can lend you a bit, after back to me.


#13691606044# 英语翻译1 你什么时候还我钱?/ 还我的书 2 我明天还钱给你 / 我明天还你50 元3 你什么时候把200元还给我?4 我已经把钱还给他了 / 我已经把100 元还给他... - ******
#王闸#[答案] When will you pay my money back? When will you pay my book back?I'll pay you back tomorrow I'll pay you 50 yuan back tomorrow When you put 200 yuan to me?I have returned him the ...

#13691606044# 还钱怎么说 - ******
#王闸# 问题一:怎么让别人还钱 的确要向多年好友直接开口还钱挺难的,唯一行之有效的最隹办法就是:编个谎言称最近自己手头紧;或者是自己的一个朋友向我借钱之类的,然后开门见山地向他借钱.之后你也不用主动还他,等他主动向你要时就将...

#13691606044# 钱英语怎么说 - ******
#王闸# money 钱money n. (pl.moneys, -nies) 货币, 金钱 财产, 财富 [pl.]金额, 款项, 特种钱币 [总称]大富翁; 金融集团 奖金; 赛马[狗]中的前三名优胜者 【经】交换媒介物, 货物货币如满意请采纳

#13691606044# 尽量不要借别人的钱 英语怎么说1 不到万不得以,尽量不要借别人的钱 英语怎么说2 那家伙欠我3000元,都半年了 还赖着不还3 我借了好友300元,说好下月... - ******
#王闸#[答案] 1.Don't borrow money from others unless you are cornered.2.The guy owed me 3000 yuan and three monthes has passed he still didn't pay it back.3.I borrowed 300 from my friend and I promised to pay back...

#13691606044# “你买水的钱还没有给我”用英语怎么说 - ******
#王闸# you haven't paid me the money of (buying) those bottles of water.

#13691606044# 没有钱了.英语怎么说? - ******
#王闸# 没有钱了的英文:no money 相关短语:1、a lot of money 许多钱2、big money 大钱;大笔钱3、save money 省钱;储蓄金钱 money 读法 英 [ˈmʌni] 美 [ˈmʌni] 示例:She found herself with two small children, a sick husband, and no money ...

#13691606044# 借了50元很长时间没有还,应该用英语如何道歉 - ******
#王闸# 1. I'm terribly sorry for not returning your 50 yuan for a long time.我为长时间没有还你50元感到非常抱歉 2. I didn't return your 50 yuan for a long time. I must apologize for what I did.我很长时间没有还你50元钱,我必须为我的所做所为道歉(apologize 道歉比较正式.)

#13691606044# 用英语说我没有钱怎么说啊是I do not have money.还是I have no money. - ******
#王闸#[答案] i do not have money要加any 就是i do not have any money

#13691606044# 当我没有钱的时候他会借我钱用英语怎么说? - ******
#王闸# 当我没有钱的时候他会借我钱. 1. When I had no money when he would lend me money. 2. He lent me money when I had no money.

#13691606044# 英语翻译我还没有收到你的钱.请查阅你是否已经付款. - ******
#王闸#[答案] i haven't received your money yet please check to see if you've payed
