


embassy officer

Hello everyone! My is......, from Qinzhou. I’m so glad to meet you, and I’m currently a student at Guangxi Textile Industrial School. my major is knitting. It’s my pleasure to join the CHAMPION training camp, because I love English and I hope I can learn something in the training for my future work. As we all know English is very useful in every field.
My English is limited that’s why I’m here. I know it’s a huge challenge for me to conquer English, but I believe that “No pains, no gains, success belongs to the persevering”, I hope I can learn more from you, Thank you!

#17680713269# 我是中国人,请带我到中国大使馆去!帮我翻译为英文. - ******
#韦王# I'm Chinese,please take me to the Chinese Embassy.Thank you!我觉得不需要说我是中国人吧?

#17680713269# 有谁能帮我把这段介绍翻译下... - ******
#韦王# Good morning ! 早上好 It is really my honor to have this opportunity for a interview, 真的很荣幸有这个机会来参加这个采访 I hope i can make a good performance today.我希望今天表现不错 I'm confident that I can succeed. 我对我的成功很有信...

#17680713269# 有没有好心人帮我翻译几个日语句子,日译汉? ******
#韦王# 1 私は一度も 日本へ行ったことがないから 今年の夏休みには ぜひ 日本料理を食べますよ 2 手伝いえないことは 止めてください 3 昨日に 映画を身って思うけど 用事があったから 见なかった

#17680713269# 驻外使馆作翻译的几点体会有哪些? ******
#韦王# 一、日积月累、勤学苦练 学好外语和中文是作一名好翻译的最基本条件,许多人有一种误解,认为到了国外就不用再费力地学习外语啦,外语水平自然而然就会提高啦,其...

#17680713269# 请帮我翻译几个英语句子 急用! ******
#韦王# (1)I will meet you at the university to study fine arts. (2) I will I grant man-puppet soul . (3)I want to live in the forest in art galleries . (4)The art gallery and production units . (5)Each room has a life-size mysterious doll . (6)I wish my dream come true .

#17680713269# 荷兰旅游签证可以停留多久 - ******
#韦王# 选择正确的签证申请种类并递交正确的文件 很多人认为申请签证非常麻烦而且耗费时间.但如果您事先做好旅行计划并计算好申请时间, 到正确的使领馆递交申请, 就可以解决这些问题.通常签证申请都要通过荷兰当局批复.受理周期为二周...

#17680713269# 请帮我翻译这段话,尽量多的用专业词汇和连接词 - ******
#韦王# we concluded two major difference for those two operas: differentces between jokes and they way they talk. the differences of jokes are because of the western culture, such as british people's black humor and american fastfood jokes, but we just ...

#17680713269# 英语专业的好心人帮我翻译下中文摘要 ******
#韦王# A very long period of time, procurement management did not receive adequate attention. In the management of the business community and academia, people talk about most is the marketing management, in the past, the management literature, ...

#17680713269# 英语翻译"我会去大使馆详细询问的,但按照以往的经历来看,可以提前两个月申请,2到5天内会收到答复" - ******
#韦王# I'm going to ask for details of the embassy, but according to past experience, can apply for two months in advance, will receive a response within 2 to 5 days

#17680713269# 请专业的帮我翻译一下英语 - ******
#韦王# I really do not want you to dislike me.And I hope you can forget those unhappy things I took for you.This moment and the days later,I sincerely hope we can be friends just like the very begining.Perhaps,we are destined to be friends from the day I knew you.

  • 请求英语专业人士帮忙翻译一下吧,十分感谢!!
  • 答:营销人员是沟通企业与顾客关系的桥梁。The marketing personnel's communication enterprise and customer relationship of the bridge.对顾客而言,营销人员是企业形象的代表;For consumers, marketers are corporate image of the ...

  • ...帮我用英语翻译这封信吧,因为是给大使馆看的,只有求助专业人士...
  • 答:here to spend a different Christmas Day and New Year with me. When you come back to China, you can share you life experience with father.Your daughter 多伦多自己改一下,可能不是很专业,但希望能帮到你!

  • 急,请高手帮我翻译英文句子
  • 答:2.旅行代理人可能提供小册子和关于您希望参观的国家的旅游讯息。 外国使馆或领事馆可能也提供关于他们的国家的最新信息。3. 您的护照是您将运载海外的最可贵的文件。 它证实您的公民身份。 请小心地守卫它。4. 当旅行计划...

  • 请问美国大使馆里面,中国面孔的工作人员是美国人还是中国人?
  • 答:一般使领馆的工作人员里,主要人员,即负责使领馆核心业务的,比如大使、参赞、总领事、各类领事、武官、签证官、财务等一定是派出国的本国人;此外还会有当地雇员(驻在国的国民)担任一些辅助性职位,如领事助理、翻译、司机...

  • 请人帮忙翻译,急用,谢谢!!!
  • 答:根据这一信息,你可能会决定,例如,档案秘书的职系会,我一transcriptionist的将是第五和管理员的将是八。在大多数情况下,您将指派一个以上的立场,每个职系。金山翻译的!开始与职务说明 你可以不知道有多少人应支付不知道...

  • 大家帮忙翻译几个词(中译英)~~~急急急急急!! 谢谢谢谢!!!
  • 答:帮助的人:408万 我也去答题访问个人页 展开全部 ***最全最准的职位英文翻译***董事长 Board Chairman 总经理 General Manager副总经理 Vice General Manager总经理秘书 Secretary总经理助理 General Manager's Assistant市场营销部经...

  • 外交人员分几个级别,各级别有什么区别?
  • 答:三等秘书、随员多为正、副科级。行政技术人员是承办行政及技术事务的人员,主要包括文书、主事、翻译、打字员、会计等。服务人员是做服务性事务人员,主要包括司机、传达员、工勤人员等。另外,有的使馆人员还会私人雇佣清洁工...

  • 我要做英语演讲,请专业人士帮忙翻译一下这篇文章,事出紧急,非常感谢
  • 答:" The heroic rescue behavior of 9· 11 " after incident happening firefighters received universal praise from all walks of life, New York City Fire Department said, they released some recordings, described before...

  • 请好心人帮忙翻译几个句子,急用!在线等.谢谢!!!
  • 答:1 Does the supplier have a Quality Policy, is it communicated to all personnel, and regularly reviewed/maintained?供应商有“质量方针”吗?质量方针是否传达到所有人员,并定期复审和维护?2 Does the supplier have ...

  • 请大家帮忙翻译一下 急求
  • 答:to the statement book for the Embassy.我没有明白什么是‘硬卡’。但我记得银行有借记卡和信用卡两种卡,如果提供给大使馆,你要提供的是存折,其中表现信息应该和你的借记卡一直!你如果解释一下,我可以修改译文。
